 Translation for 'mummy' from English to Russian
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NOUN1   Mummy | -
NOUN2   a mummy | mummies
SYNO ma | mama | mamma | ...
мумия {ж}
мама {ж}mummy [Br.] [coll.]
мамаша {ж} [разг.]mummy [Br.] [coll.]
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Translation for 'mummy' from English to Russian

мумия {ж}архео.
mummy [Br.] [coll.]
мама {ж}

мамаша {ж} [разг.]
Usage Examples English
  • Since 1912 the museum has held the mummy of a child aged between 4 and 6 years old found by Flinders Petrie near the Hawara Pyramid.
  • "The Mummy's Curse" made use of footage from two of Universal's previous mummy films, "The Mummy" (1932) and "The Mummy's Hand" (1940).
  • For "Tale of the Mummy", Flash Film works created 3-D mummy wrappings which unraveled and reformed into the mummy.
  • The Persian Princess or Persian Mummy is a mummy of an alleged Persian princess who surfaced in Pakistani Baluchistan in October 2000.
  • It currently occupies a resplendent mansion, and exhibits among others: an Egyptian mummy. The mummy is being restored.

  • Guanche mummy of Madrid or Guanche mummy of Barranco de Herques, is a mummy of an ancient Guanche individual, which is now on display at the National Archaeological Museum of Spain in Madrid, Spain.
  • Fanny The Mummy: Fanny the mummy, a very special little lady.
  • In 2002, the National Geographic Channel visited the school and featured the school's mummy on an episode of its "Mummy Roadshow" television series. The mummy dates to approximately 55 BCE.
  • Along with his coffins, mummy-case, mummy-mask and mummy, Hornedjitef's tomb contained items such as a papyrus Book of the Dead and a painted wooden figure of Ptah-Sokar-Osiris.
  • The fabric of the book was preserved when it was used for mummy wrappings in Ptolemaic Egypt.

  • Some have speculated that the mummy known as The Younger Lady, discovered in KV35, might be that of Kiya.
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