 Translation for 'mutual friend' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a mutual friend | mutual friends
общий друг {м}mutual friend
Partial Matches
согласованный {adj}mutual
взаимный {adj}mutual
обоюдный {adj}mutual
взаимопонятность {ж}
mutual intelligibility
взаимопонимание {с}mutual understanding
приятель {м}friend
друг {м}friend
друг {м} по перепискеpen friend
закадычный друг {м} [разг.]bosom friend
друг {м} детстваchildhood friend
подруга {ж} [приятельница]friend [female]
подруга {ж} по перепискеpen friend [female]
один мой старый знакомыйan old friend of mine
Друг познаётся в беде.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
15 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • A few years later, a mutual friend introduced her to George Cooper, a former law professor turned non-fiction writer.
  • In December 1997, Dando met gynaecologist, later Queen Elizabeth 2's personal physician, Alan Farthing on a blind date set up by a mutual friend.
  • Other writers believe Costello corrupted Hoover by providing him with horseracing tips, passed through a mutual friend, gossip columnist Walter Winchell.
  • In 1997, Mihok met Alanis Morissette through mutual friend Leonardo DiCaprio during a trip to Cuba.
  • In Chapter 16 of "Our Mutual Friend" (1864–65), Charles Dickens described the character Sloppy as a "Full-Private Number One in the Awkward Squad of the rank and file of life".

  • When he discovers hidden love letters disclosing Helen's long-ago affair with Ray, a mutual friend, Schmidt collects all her possessions and dumps them unceremoniously next to a clothing donations bin.
  • In 1989, White was appointed executive assistant to the then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Colin Powell, where he was described in "The Washington Post" by a mutual friend as Powell's "alter ego" in "a job that requires tremendous political sophistication."
  • In sociology, a friend of a friend is a human contact that exists because of a mutual friend.
  • He began recording with Trumpet Records in nearby Jackson in January 1951, first as a sideman again for Sonny Boy Williamson II and for their mutual friend Willie Love and possibly others.
  • Turgot owed his appointment as minister of the navy in July 1774 to Maurepas, the "Mentor" of Louis XVI, to whom he was warmly recommended by the abbé Very, a mutual friend.

  • Among Effingham's architecturally imposing or recognised buildings is an early work by wide-reaching architect Sir Edwin Lutyens, the "Red House" built in 1893 for Susan Muir-Mackenzie, a mutual friend of Gertrude Jekyll who laid out its garden and orchard.
  • Guest married actress Jamie Lee Curtis in 1984 at the home of their mutual friend Rob Reiner. They have two adopted children: Annie (born 1986) and Ruby (born 1996).
  • com, Minnelli said that she was the person who told Elizabeth Taylor about HIV/AIDS while talking about their mutual friend Rock Hudson.
  • Both Baruch and Adlai Stevenson chose to donate their personal papers to Princeton University not only out of their mutual admiration for Woodrow Wilson, but also their mutual friend, Dean Mathey.
  • Lovelace first met him in June 1833, through their mutual friend, and her private tutor, Mary Somerville.

  • Anthony was introduced to Stanton by Amelia Bloomer, a mutual friend and a supporter of women's rights.
  • Shortly after the incident, Pierce was introduced to Davis at a private event through Geraldine Fitzgerald, a mutual friend.
  • In November 1978, Fleetwood moved into a Bel Air home with Sara Recor, a mutual friend of Fleetwood and Nicks who was at the time married to another music producer.
  • Webb and Collet had a mutual friend, Eleanor Marx, and Collet had in 1887 attended the Toynbee Hall conference on women's work and wages, which had also been attended by Booth.
  • Encouraged by Visage drummer and mutual friend Rusty Egan, Currie asked Ure to join Ultravox.

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