Translation for '
nasty' from English to Russian
ADJ | nasty | nastier | nastiest | |
SYNO | awful | cruddy | filthy | ... |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
4 translations
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Usage Examples English
- Nasty Nicola joins Henry's class in "Horrid Henry and the New Best Friend" and appears nice to begin with but turns out to be nasty and vicious.
- In 2011, writers planned to rejuvenate Jac's nasty persona.
- “Just don’t forget, it could get nasty,” Nadeau said his attorney advised.
- The song "Straw Dogs" by The Stiff Little Fingers (as they say themselves in an interview on the re-release of their album "Nobody's Heroes" "a dirty nasty song about a dirty nasty subject") is about mercenaries.
- It has been noted that when Billy was first introduced, he was a "nasty piece of work".
- After a nasty fight at Boxers, Helen finally leaves Phil.
- If a player is dealt the Ober of Bells as his only Bell ("Schällenober blutt"), when the first card is played he may declare that he has the "nasty card" ("s’fiise Chart").
- While not prosecuted for obscenity nor officially listed as a video nasty, "Maniac" was seized by various police forces across Greater Manchester and Lancashire during the video nasty panic, presumably based on the film's notorious reputation overseas.
- Always doing nasty or hurtful things to everyone in town.
- Her description of the inhabitants of Dobu differs from earlier writings of Reo Fortune and Ruth Benedict in portraying them not only as aggressive and nasty.
- According to the song, Nasty Dan was a nasty man. He ate nails for lunch, never took a bath or laughed, and would jump for joy when a little boy would trip and fall.
- In January 2017, the working title of the film was revealed to now be "Nasty Women", referencing the "nasty woman" comment which Donald Trump directed at Hillary Clinton during their campaign debates.
- An official in the Obama administration said "He’s a nasty SOB.
- Morano says that emails targeting climate scientists can be nasty in tone, but he defends the practice of posting their addresses by noting that he, too, has received hate mail.
- Nice old geezer with a nasty cough.
- The film's graphic content resulted in it being classified as a "video nasty" by the BBFC, and the film never saw a theatrical release in the United Kingdom.
- Monsanto is fighting a nasty rear-guard action, and as of 2017, refused quantum [...].
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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