 Translation for 'natural barrier' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a natural barrier | natural barriers
естественный барьер {м}natural barrier
Partial Matches
языковой барьер {м}
language barrier
шлагбаум {м}boom barrier
барьер {м} [тж. перен.]barrier [also fig.]
звуковой барьер {м}
the sound barrier
Большой Барьерный риф {м}
Great Barrier Reef
преодолеть звуковой барьерto break the sound barrier
натуральный {adj}natural
естествознание {с}(natural) science
естествоиспытатель {м}(natural) scientist
природный газ {м}
natural gas
каучук {м}
natural rubber
натуральная косметика {ж}
natural cosmetics {pl}
естественный отбор {м}
natural selection
природоведческий музей {м}museum of natural history
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Usage Examples English
  • that release of water from the lake, caused by erosion of the natural barrier that keeps in the lake's water, could in turn reduce pressure on the lake's carbon dioxide and cause a gas escape much sooner.
  • In a sense, the required investment is a natural barrier to entry, discouraging some would-be members from making the necessary investment in training to enter the competitive market for the services of the guild.
  • Due to the prevailing sea breeze and local winds of the southern and eastern coasts of the Caspian Sea, sandy hills are formed, causing the appearance of a low natural barrier between the sea and plain.
  • The tuff surrounding the burial sites is expected to protect human health as it provides a natural barrier to the radiation.
  • The Watchung mountain range was a strategic asset in the war, acting as a natural barrier to the British troops and providing a vantage point for Washington to monitor their troop movements.

  • The river was a natural barrier and in April 1945 was stormed by assault troops of the Allied armies liberating the Netherlands from the occupying forces of Nazi Germany.
  • Even considering it's located at miles inland from the coastline, this mostly happens because the city lies on the delta of the Ebro river, which acts as a natural barrier against cold fronts.
  • He knew that this city was well defended by both the natural barrier of the Oder river and his well-built fortifications, like Kołobrzeg.
  • The natural barrier of the Ramapo Mountains and the size of the county made carrying out governmental activities difficult.
  • These differences in species composition may be due a natural barrier separating the two formations, which are relatively close to each other geographically.

  • For centuries these topographical features not only rendered north–south communication difficult but also formed an effective natural barrier for the containment of the people living in the Mekong basin.
  • In World War I this natural barrier was supplemented by other obstructions to prevent submarines and small ships attacking the naval base.
  • The range forms a natural barrier in the landscape, just as the Jezreel Valley forms a natural passageway, and consequently the mountain range and the valley have had a large impact on migration and invasions through the Levant over time.
  • The Sulaiman Range, and the high plateaus to the west of it, helps form a natural barrier against the humid winds that blow from the Indian Ocean, creating arid conditions across southern and central Afghanistan to the west and north.
  • The wilderness was their natural barrier against attack by would-be invaders.

  • This would be either the point where the increment to be advanced is so small it cannot be justified economically or where technology meets an invulnerable natural barrier.
  • The unexpected availability of the first major crossing of the Rhine, Germany's last major natural barrier and line of defense, caused Allied high commander Dwight Eisenhower to alter his plans to end the war and may have shortened the war in Europe.
  • A Keeshond should never be shaved, as their undercoat provides a natural barrier against heat and cold.
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