 Translation for 'neoconservatism' from English to Russian
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неоконсерватизм {м}
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Translation for 'neoconservatism' from English to Russian

неоконсерватизм {м}пол.
Usage Examples English
  • British neoconservatism has also been directly influenced by its US counterpart.
  • Neoconservatism first developed during the late 1960s as an effort to oppose the radical cultural changes occurring within the United States.
  • In his book "Neoconservatism: Why We Need It", Murray argues that neoconservatism is necessary for fighting against dictatorships and human rights abuses.
  • Al-Arian had opposed the War in Iraq and even spoke at an anti-war rally against the war. He had also been critical of neoconservatism and the Zionist movement.
  • In this part, Fukuyama traces back the intellectual roots of neoconservatism and its subsequent evolution.

  • Grigg was a critic of neoconservatism and considered foreign aid to be a tool of US imperialism.
  • "Dismantling the State: Downsizing to Disaster" (Stoddart, 1998) critiqued neoconservatism and neoliberalism in Canada, and the haste in many quarters to cut back and privatize public services.
  • The magazine published articles that attacked Hinduism, Zionism, Judaism, Communism and American neoconservatism.
  • His "The new conservatives: A critique from the left" (with Irving Howe, 1974) was one of the first major works to define and analyse neoconservatism.
  • Saunders considered himself an Objectivist in his twenties but now views the philosophy unfavorably, likening it to neoconservatism. He is a student of Nyingma Buddhism.

  • ARI denounces neoconservatism in general. For example, C.
  • He has criticized neoconservatism and supports a non-interventionist foreign policy.
  • She is critical of neoconservatism.
  • DiLorenzo is critical of neoconservatism and endless military interventionism. He has also made the case about how the military does not protect the U.S.
  • A 2018 study of schools of political theory in contemporary China identified neoconservatism, still alternatively named neoauthoritarianism, as a continuing current of thought alongside what are now the academically more prominent Chinese New Left, New Confucianism, and Chinese liberalism.

  • On foreign policy, Gregory is a proponent of non-interventionism and is critical of neoconservatism.
  • Criticized by Jürgen Habermas as a representative of German neoconservatism, his philosophy has been described as a form of liberal conservatism with various parallels to postmodern thought and the work of Richard Rorty.
  • Influenced by Edmund Burke, Adam Smith, Michael Oakeshott and Friedrich Hayek, O'Hara distanced conservative philosophy from free-market liberalism and neoconservatism.
  • Clarkson's work focused mainly on two areas: the evolution of North America as a continental state, reinstitutionalized by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and two decades of neoconservatism; and the impact of globalization and trade liberalization on the Canadian state.
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