 Translation for 'nod' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a nod | nods
VERB   to nod | nodded | nodded
nodding | nods
кивать (головой) [несов.]to nod
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Translation for 'nod' from English to Russian

to nod
кивать (головой) [несов.]
Usage Examples English
  • Recently, a "Bradyrhizobium" strain was discovered to form nodules in "Aeschynomene" without producing nod factors, suggesting the existence of alternative communication signals other than nod factors, possibly involving the secretion of the plant hormone cytokinin.
  • The movement ends with a cheeky "pianissimo" nod from the piccolo and contrabassoon.
  • The title character of Madeline wore an ulster coat as a nod to Sherlock Holmes while doing detective work.
  • Birbalsingh, of Guyanan heritage herself, introduces a Guyanan boy character as an apparent nod to Braithwaite.
  • Academy Award recognitions included "El Nortes nomination for Best Original Screenplay, a Best Actress nod for Jane Alexander in "Testament" and a Best Actor nod for Edward James Olmos in "Stand and Deliver".

  • In "Rhizobium", extracellular build-up of "N"-acetylglutamic acid is due to metabolism involving nod factor genes on a symbiotic plasmid.
  • Nod gene expression is induced by the presence of certain flavonoids in the soil, which are secreted by the plant and act as an attractant to bacteria and induce Nod factor production.
  • Legumes release organic compounds as secondary metabolites called flavonoids from their roots, which attract the rhizobia to them and which also activate "nod" genes in the bacteria to produce nod factors and initiate nodule formation.
  • "New Phytologist" was launched by Arthur Tansley in 1902, with a conscious nod to its predecessor.
  • A nod to the "King's Quest ZZT" games is made in "The Silver Lining"’s "The Four Winds" meta-fiction newsletter.

  • The title is a nod to rap group Dead Prez's song "Hip Hop".
  • In most cultures the Head Nod is used to signify 'Yes' or agreement.
  • Frank McGuinness's play "Gates of Gold" is a nod to Edwards and Mac Liammóir.
  • Zoot's claim to fame was playing the final off-key note to the end theme of the show; he then looks into his saxophone with a bewildered expression, checks his music, gives a satisfied nod, looks around at the other musicians and gives the same nod.
  • Ca2+ plays an important role in nodule formation in legumes.

  • A Greek version of Nod written as [...] appearing in the "Onomastica Vaticana" possibly derives from the plural [...] , which relates to resting and sleeping.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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