 Translation for 'occult' from English to Russian
ADJ   occult | more occult | most occult
NOUN   the occult | -
SYNO mysterious | mystic | mystical | ...
оккультный {adj}occult
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Translation for 'occult' from English to Russian

оккультный {adj}
Usage Examples English
  • Balzli was the secretary of the Leipzig Theosophical Society and editor of occult magazine "Prana (occult magazine)" (1909–19) of which was initially edited by astrologer Karl Brandler-Pracht.
  • He is mentioned briefly by Goodrick-Clarke ("The Occult Roots of Nazism", 1985: 165) as a writer of novels with occult themes and a significant figure in the post-World War I German occult movement.
  • In the 1970s, there were a number of attempts at occult detective television series and films.
  • Being partner of an occult bookshop, The Atlantis Bookshop, in Bloomsbury, Hurst came into contact with both the literary and occult British intelligentsia of the 1920s.
  • Barrett was enthusiastic about reviving interest in the occult arts, and published a magical textbook called "The Magus".

  • The occult themes that Kawahara explored do not refer to the occult in western esotericism.
  • This is a list of occult rock bands. Occult rock is a proto-metal style of rock music.
  • "The Occult Origins of Wonder Woman" - A multi media presentation exploring the mythology and occult references present in the Wonder Woman cannon, by Maja D’Oust and Ron Rege Jr.
  • Guido von List incorporated the myth of Mannus and his sons into his occult beliefs which were later adopted into Nazi occult beliefs.
  • Occult themes and references to "occult religious practices" are used in metal lyrics.

  • Fecal occult blood (FOB) refers to blood in the feces that is not visibly apparent (unlike other types of blood in stool such as melena or hematochezia).
  • Blavatsky stated that Theosophy was an attempt at a gradual, faithful reintroduction of a hitherto hidden science called the occult science in Theosophical literature.
  • The term "occult", meaning hidden or secret, may be applied to Western esotericism practised by Pagans among others.
  • He wrote "Catalogue Raisonné of Works on the Occult Sciences", a private edition published in three volumes on the occult sciences, consisting of Rosicrucian, astrological and Masonic texts, which is still a source of reference for scholars of occultism.
  • After the end of her first marriage, Darlene began a relationship with occult author Vincent Bridges, and for many years they lived in Mount Gilead, North Carolina.

  • This is occult pneumonia. In general, occult pneumonia is rather often present in patients with pneumonia and can also be caused by "Streptococcus pneumoniae", as the decrease of occult pneumonia after vaccination of children with a pneumococcal vaccine suggests.
  • This symbol may have some occult origin but this has not been confirmed by Mr. Villafana. The occult skull and cross bones is likened to it.
  • Dion Fortune (1890–1946) was a Welsh occultist, ceremonial magician, novelist and author.
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