Translation for '
occultism' from English to Russian
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Usage Examples English
- He was an extreme opponent to Renaissance occultism, and wrote in 1532 a 'Epistola campegiana de tranmutatione metallorum contra alchimistas'.
- In 1912, Mёbes agreed that his disciples should publish the lessons about the 22 Major Arcana of Tarot, lessons through which Mёbes introduced the key concepts of occultism.
- "The Spear" is a 1978 novel by British author James Herbert dealing with Nazi occultism and the Holy Lance.
- He had many disputes with other people who were involved with occultism and magic.
- "Hitler and the Occult" is a 1995 book about Nazi occultism by Ken Anderson.
- A demon is a malevolent supernatural being in religion, occultism, mythology, folklore, and fiction.
- List's book is seminal to later currents of Germanic mysticism and Nazi occultism.
- Scott had an interest in alternative medicine, health foods, occultism, naturopathy, philosophy and yoga.
- Alchemy, occultism, Swedenborgianism, and various other eccentric interests were pursued by Strindberg with some intensity for periods of his life.
- He evaluated most of the 1960 to 1975 books on Nazi occultism as "sensational and under-researched".
- Hargrave Jennings (1817–1890) was a British Freemason, Rosicrucian, author on occultism and esotericism, and amateur student of comparative religion.
- The Wheel of Fortune also has concerns with occultism and Satanism.
- With regard to Esoteric Nazism, his work indicates that earlier descriptions of the relationship between Nazi ideologies and occultism (either excluding any relationship or stating a strong one) do not describe properly the rather polycratic and zigzagging complicated setup.
- Band has taken their main inspiration from occultism, devil worship, Finnish mixed drink Gambina and Finnish crime magazine .
- Carton was also interested in occultism. He believed that humans are a microcosm reflecting the macrocosm of the universe.
- Schopenhauer had a wide range of interests, from science and opera to occultism and literature.
- In the 1890s, the German psychologist Max Dessoir and psychiatrist Albert Moll formed the "critical occultism" position.
- Lilith continues to serve as source material in today's popular culture, Western culture, literature, occultism, fantasy, and horror.
- Watkins Books is London's oldest esoteric bookshop. It specialises in esotericism, mysticism, occultism, oriental religion and contemporary spirituality.
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