 Translation for 'one' from English to Russian
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PRON   one | one | one's
NOUN   a one | ones
раз [при счёте]one [in counting]
посвящать [свою жизнь, время и т.п. чему-л.] [несов.]to devote [one's life, time etc.]
уволить [освободить от должности] [сов.]to dismiss [discharge from one's job]
увольнять [несов.] [освобождать от должности]to dismiss [to discharge from one's job]
ослабить [хватку, дисциплину, внимание, контроль, мышцы и т.п.] [сов.] to relax [one's grip, rule, attention, control, muscles etc.]
уходить в отставку [несов.]to resign [one's post]
2 Words: Others
восемьдесят одинeighty-one
пятьдесят одинfifty-one
сорок одинforty-one
девяносто одинninety-one
друг друга {pron}one another
как-то {adv} [однажды]one day
однажды {adv} [как-то раз]one day
когда-нибудь {adv} [в будущем]one day
однажды утромone morning
однажды ночью {adv}one night
одна тысячаone thousand
семьдесят одинseventy-one
шестьдесят одинsixty-one
тридцать одинthirty-one
двадцать одинtwenty-one
2 Words: Nouns
старшие {мн}(one's) elders
3 Words: Others
unverified бок о́ бок {adv} [тж. перен.]alongside one another
в юношеском возрастеin one's teens
на смертном одре [книжн.]on one's deathbed
unverified в мыслях (на уме)on one's mind
друг за другом {adv}one after another
один за другим {adv}one by one
друг за другом {adv}one by one
сто тысячone hundred thousand
(Одну) минуту!One moment, please!
Минутку! [разг.]One moment, please!
Минуточку! [разг.]One moment, please!
друг другу {adv}to one another
3 Words: Verbs
грызть ногти [несов.]to bite one's nails
передумать [изменить мнение] [несов.]to change one's mind
хлопать (в ладоши) [несов.]to clap (one's hands)
сжимать кулакиto clench one's fists
терять самообладаниеto lose one's temper
заблудиться [сов.]to lose one's way
проталкиваться [несов.]to shoulder one's way
пожимать плечамиto shrug one's shoulders
затянуть пояс (потуже)
to tighten one's belt
потуже затянуть ремни [перен.]to tighten one's belt [also fig.]
бить баклуши
to twiddle one's thumbs
выражать свою точку зренияto voice one's views
3 Words: Nouns
моноспектакль {м}
one-man show
улица {ж} с односторонним движением
one-way street
4 Words: Others
от собственного имениon one's own behalf
полтораone and a half
4 Words: Verbs
быть насторожеto be on one's guard
зарабатывать на жизнь [несов.]to earn a / one's living
не вешать нос [перен.]to keep one's chin up [fig.]
решаться [на что-л. или сделать что-л.] [несов.]to make up one's mind
отдавать кому-л. дань уваженияto pay (one's) tribute to sb.
отдать последнюю дань уваженияto pay one's last respects
почивать на лаврах
to rest on one's laurels
почивать на лаврах
to rest on one's oars
высунуть язык [сов.]to stick one's tongue out
высовывать язык [несов.]to stick one's tongue out
снимать с себя одежду [несов.]to take off one's clothes
легко переносить что-л. [трудности, неприятности и т.п.]to take sth. in one's stride [fig.]
голосовать ногамиto vote with one's feet
перешёптываться [несов.]to whisper (to one another)
5+ Words: Others
так или иначе {adv}in one way or another
В одно ухо вошло, в другое вышло.
It goes in one ear and out the other. [idiom]
Четверть всего экспорта приходится на нефть.Oil accounts for one-fourth of all exports.
Что в лоб, что по лбу.
That's six of one and half a dozen of another.
5+ Words: Verbs
быть по силам
be within one's capacity to beat
потерять рассудок [сов.]to be out of one's mind
не соваться с советом
to keep one's breath to cool one's porridge [fig.]
знать что-л. как свои пять пальцев
to know sth. like the back of one's hand
расхлебывать кашу, которую сам заварил [разг.] [несов.]
to stew in one's own juice [coll.]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
оранжевошейный казуар {м} [Casuarius unappendiculatus]
one-wattled cassowary
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Translation for 'one' from English to Russian

one [in counting]
раз [при счёте]

to devote [one's life, time etc.]
посвящать [свою жизнь, время и т.п. чему-л.] [несов.]
to dismiss [discharge from one's job]
уволить [освободить от должности] [сов.]
to dismiss [to discharge from one's job]
увольнять [несов.] [освобождать от должности]
to relax [one's grip, rule, attention, control, muscles etc.]
ослабить [хватку, дисциплину, внимание, контроль, мышцы и т.п.] [сов.]
to resign [one's post]
уходить в отставку [несов.]

восемьдесят один
пятьдесят один
сорок один
девяносто один
one another
друг друга {pron}
one day
как-то {adv} [однажды]

однажды {adv} [как-то раз]

когда-нибудь {adv} [в будущем]
one morning
однажды утром
one night
однажды ночью {adv}
one thousand
одна тысяча
семьдесят один
шестьдесят один
тридцать один
двадцать один

(one's) elders
старшие {мн}

alongside one another
unverified бок о́ бок {adv} [тж. перен.]
in one's teens
в юношеском возрасте
on one's deathbed
на смертном одре [книжн.]
on one's mind
unverified в мыслях (на уме)
one after another
друг за другом {adv}
one by one
один за другим {adv}

друг за другом {adv}
one hundred thousand
сто тысяч
One moment, please!
(Одну) минуту!

Минутку! [разг.]

Минуточку! [разг.]
to one another
друг другу {adv}

to bite one's nails
грызть ногти [несов.]
to change one's mind
передумать [изменить мнение] [несов.]
to clap (one's hands)
хлопать (в ладоши) [несов.]
to clench one's fists
сжимать кулаки
to lose one's temper
терять самообладание
to lose one's way
заблудиться [сов.]
to shoulder one's way
проталкиваться [несов.]
to shrug one's shoulders
пожимать плечами
to tighten one's belt
затянуть пояс (потуже)идиом.
to tighten one's belt [also fig.]
потуже затянуть ремни [перен.]
to twiddle one's thumbs
бить баклушиидиом.
to voice one's views
выражать свою точку зрения

one-man show
моноспектакль {м}театр
one-way street
улица {ж} с односторонним движениемсухопут.

on one's own behalf
от собственного имени
one and a half

to be on one's guard
быть настороже
to earn a / one's living
зарабатывать на жизнь [несов.]
to keep one's chin up [fig.]
не вешать нос [перен.]
to make up one's mind
решаться [на что-л. или сделать что-л.] [несов.]
to pay (one's) tribute to sb.
отдавать кому-л. дань уважения
to pay one's last respects
отдать последнюю дань уважения
to rest on one's laurels
почивать на лаврахидиом.
to rest on one's oars
почивать на лаврахидиом.
to stick one's tongue out
высунуть язык [сов.]

высовывать язык [несов.]
to take off one's clothes
снимать с себя одежду [несов.]
to take sth. in one's stride [fig.]
легко переносить что-л. [трудности, неприятности и т.п.]
to vote with one's feet
голосовать ногами
to whisper (to one another)
перешёптываться [несов.]

in one way or another
так или иначе {adv}
It goes in one ear and out the other. [idiom]
В одно ухо вошло, в другое вышло.послов.
Oil accounts for one-fourth of all exports.
Четверть всего экспорта приходится на нефть.
That's six of one and half a dozen of another.
Что в лоб, что по лбу.идиом.

be within one's capacity to beat
unverified быть по силамспорт
to be out of one's mind
потерять рассудок [сов.]
to keep one's breath to cool one's porridge [fig.]
не соваться с советомидиом.
to know sth. like the back of one's hand
знать что-л. как свои пять пальцевидиом.
to stew in one's own juice [coll.]
расхлебывать кашу, которую сам заварил [разг.] [несов.]идиом.

one-wattled cassowary
оранжевошейный казуар {м} [Casuarius unappendiculatus]орн.T
Usage Examples English
  • The city has many Russian Orthodox churches, one Russian Old Believers church, one Baptist church, one Lutheran church, one Armenian Apostolic church, one mosque and one synagogue.
  • Only five athletes won more than one medal: Luís Mena e Silva (two bronzes), Carlos Lopes (one gold and one silver), Rosa Mota (one gold and one bronze), Fernanda Ribeiro (one gold and one bronze) and Fernando Pimenta (one silver and one bronze).
  • The AUA's founding principles are centred around: "One name for one nation, One language for one nation, One leadership for one nation, A homeland for one nation.
  • This is a one-to-one mapping in the unit square. Thus we have now a one-to-one transformation of two quantities instead of a not one-to-one transformation "Tx" = {1/"x"} of one quantity.
  • One-to-One Institute is a national, non-profit organization that grew out of the Michigan Freedom to Learn (FTL) program.

  • There is one mason, one carpenter, one professional painter, and one farmer.
  • There were 74 Swiss nationals on board as well as two Americans (one dual citizenship with Iran), one Briton, one Egyptian (Olympic rower Ibrahim Abdulhalim), one Israeli, and one passenger either from Belgium or Austria.
  • The simplest construction, a single effect absorption heat transformer, consists of one condenser, one evaporator, one absorber and one generator.
  • A total of 14 teams from six countries contest the league, including nine sides from Russia, one from Belarus, one from Estonia, one from Kazakhstan, one from Latvia and one from Poland.
  • The dead were 98 Greek, two Polish, one Irish, one Belgian, one Georgian nationals and one unidentified.

  • O—One on one (one player one master) set in Mystara.
  • In her international competitions she has won one bronze and one silver with three 4th, one 8th, one 6th and one 10th.
  • It is variously pronounced "one hundred and one" / "a hundred and one", "one hundred one" / "a hundred one", and "one oh one".
  • There are 10 schools in York School District One: five elementary schools, one intermediate school, one middle school, one high school, one alternative school, and one technology center.
  • In 1889 the number of appointed unofficial members was increased to eight (three Europeans, one Low Country Sinhalese, one Kandyan Sinhalese, one Tamil, one Muslim and one Burgher).

  • With a population of 6739, Param has four schools, one bank, one Police Chowki, a post office. Medical services are provided by one Homeopathic, one Ayurvedic hospital and one animal hospital.
  • There are number of Ganesh temples including one Sakthi Vinayagar temple, one Mariyamman temple, one Kariyakaliamman temple, one Perumal temple, one Ramar temple and several others.
  • OBHC offers seven crisis pregnancy centers; two in Oklahoma City, one in Edmond, one in Ardmore, one in Alva, one in Shawnee, and one in Tulsa.
  • The battleship battle group typically consisted of one modernized battleship, one [...] , one [...] or [...] , one [...] , three [...] s and one auxiliary ship such as a replenishment oiler.
  • As of 2008, there were 15 parishes involved: nine in California; one in the State of Washington; one in Arizona; one in New York; one in Pennsylvania; one in Massachusetts; and one in Georgia.

    © Russian-English dictionary 2025
    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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