 Translation for 'onshore wind' from English to Russian
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NOUN   an onshore wind | onshore winds
морской ветер {м}
onshore wind
Partial Matches
береговой {adj}onshore
ветер {м}wind
береговой ветер {м}
offshore wind
пронизывающий ветер {м}
nipping wind
пронизывающий ветер {м}
biting wind
духовой инструмент {м}
wind instrument
ветрогенератор {м}
wind turbine
солнечный ветер {м}
solar wind
дыхание {с}wind [esp. Br.] [breath]
наматывать на [+akk.] [несов.]to wind round [roll, thread, rope etc.]
закончить что-л. [сов.]to wind sth. up [bring to an end]
Ветер и лев [Джон Милиус]
The Wind and the Lion [John Milius]
Кто сеет ветер, пожнёт бурю.
They that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind.
Унесённые ветром
Gone with the Wind [novel: Margaret Mitchell, film: Victor Fleming]
15 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Wind energy in Schleswig-Holstein is only won by onshore wind parks, which are built in the coastal region bordering the national park.
  • Many of the largest operational onshore wind farms are located in China.
  • Since 2010, the region has become one of Germany's major onshore wind power regions.
  • A large fraction of Meadow Lake Wind Farm, one of the largest onshore wind farms in the world, is located just west of Chalmers.
  • The difference between ocean and air temperature also tends to create heavy morning fog during the summer months, known as the marine layer, driven by an onshore wind created by the local high pressure sunny portions of the Salinas Valley, which extend north and south from Salinas and the Bay.

  • When these turbines are fully completed, Kilgarvan will be home to the largest onshore wind turbine project in Ireland.
  • away at Cotton Farm near Graveley, onshore wind turbines generate a maximum of 20 MW of electricity.
  • Construction of an onshore wind farm began in April 2009 and was completed in 2010, generating 38 Megawatts through 19 turbines.
  • Britain's largest onshore wind farm was controversially built in 2007–08 on Scout Moor above Edenfield.
  • In some countries new onshore wind or solar generation already costs less than coal power from existing plants.

  • The line was constructed to connect an existing onshore wind park consisting of 4 windmills in Tjæreborg Enge to the grid through an additional DC line.
  • These bands include a reduction in the tariff for onshore wind to 0.9 ROCs/MWh and an increase for small wave and tidal stream projects, under 30 MW, to 5 ROCs/MWh.
  • In the dangerous quadrant an observer will experience higher wind speeds and generally a much higher storm surge due to the onshore wind direction.
  • 5 MW from 83 onshore wind turbine, Changhua County has the largest wind energy capacity of any county, municipality or city in Taiwan.
  • Many of the world's largest onshore wind farms are located in the United States, China, and India.

  • During his time as Energy Minister, Hayes clashed with Liberal Democrat coalition partners when he declared that there should be no further construction of onshore wind turbines, declaring "enough is enough".
  • However his efforts were unsuccessful, partly because roads were rudimentary and also because the shore at Helensburgh made it unattractive to shipping – it was shallow, dotted with large rocks and subject to a prevailing onshore wind.
  • Variable renewables can generate cheaper electricity: the median cost of onshore wind power was estimated to be 50 [...] USD/MWh, and utility-scale solar power 56 [...] USD/MWh.
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