 Translation for 'out of' from English to Russian
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вне {prep} [+gen.]out of [outside from]
3 Words: Others
в неисправностиout of order
3 Words: Verbs
вырасти из чего-л.to grow out of sth.
4 Words: Others
нежданно-негаданно {adv}out of the blue
Об этом не может быть и речи!Out of the question!
4 Words: Verbs
unverified не иметь опытаto be out of practice
быть безработным [несов.]to be out of work
стать безработным [сов.]to get out of work
5+ Words: Others
Съебись! [груб.] [неценз.]
Get the fuck out of here! [vulg.]
У меня кончился кофе.I've run out of coffee. [coll.]
из огня да в полымя
out of the frying pan into the fire
прямо из коробки {adv}
right out of the box
Ты наверно свихнулся.You must be out of your mind.
Ты, наверно, с ума сошёл.You must be out of your mind.
5+ Words: Verbs
потерять рассудок [сов.]to be out of one's mind
пиздить кого-л. [несов.] [груб.] [неценз.]
to beat the crap out of sb. [vulg.]
делать из мухи слона [идиома]to make a mountain out of a molehill [idiom]
таскать для кого-л. каштаны из огня
to pull the chestnuts out of the fire for sb. [coll.]
броситься вон из комнаты [в гневе, волнении и т.п.]to storm out of the room
подшучивать над кем-л. [несов.]to take the mickey out of sb. [Br.] [Aus.] [coll.]
Partial Matches
из {prep} [+gen.]out
тайм-аут {м}time out
наизнанку {adv}
inside out
выделяться [несов.]to stand out
unverified протянутьto stretch out
unverified найти решениеto work out
выплюнуть [сов.]to spit out
разбираться [несов.] [ приводить в порядок]to sort out
выявлять [несов.]to bring out
читать вслухto read out
стирать [несов.] [ластиком]to rub out
испытывать [несов.]to try out
искоренять [несов.]to weed out
выходи́ть [несов.]to come out
выйти [сов.]to go out
уничтожать [несов.]to weed out
устранять [несов.]to weed out
выбраковывать [несов.](скот)to weed out
выходи́ть [из; оставлять пределы чего-л.] [несов.]to go out
сдать (внаём) [сов.]to rent out
40 translations
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Translation for 'out of' from English to Russian

out of [outside from]
вне {prep} [+gen.]

out of order
в неисправности

to grow out of sth.
вырасти из чего-л.

out of the blue
нежданно-негаданно {adv}
Out of the question!
Об этом не может быть и речи!

to be out of practice
unverified не иметь опыта
to be out of work
быть безработным [несов.]
to get out of work
стать безработным [сов.]

Get the fuck out of here! [vulg.]
Съебись! [груб.] [неценз.]ругат.
I've run out of coffee. [coll.]
У меня кончился кофе.
out of the frying pan into the fire
из огня да в полымяидиом.
right out of the box
прямо из коробки {adv}космет.тех.
You must be out of your mind.
Ты наверно свихнулся.

Ты, наверно, с ума сошёл.

to be out of one's mind
потерять рассудок [сов.]
to beat the crap out of sb. [vulg.]
пиздить кого-л. [несов.] [груб.] [неценз.]идиом.
to make a mountain out of a molehill [idiom]
делать из мухи слона [идиома]
to pull the chestnuts out of the fire for sb. [coll.]
таскать для кого-л. каштаны из огняидиом.
to storm out of the room
броситься вон из комнаты [в гневе, волнении и т.п.]
to take the mickey out of sb. [Br.] [Aus.] [coll.]
подшучивать над кем-л. [несов.]

из {prep} [+gen.]
time out
тайм-аут {м}
inside out
unverified наизнанку {adv}одеж.
to stand out
выделяться [несов.]
to stretch out
unverified протянуть
to work out
unverified найти решение
to spit out
выплюнуть [сов.]
to sort out
разбираться [несов.] [ приводить в порядок]
to bring out
выявлять [несов.]
to read out
читать вслух
to rub out
стирать [несов.] [ластиком]
to try out
испытывать [несов.]
to weed out
искоренять [несов.]

уничтожать [несов.]

устранять [несов.]

выбраковывать [несов.](скот)
to come out
выходи́ть [несов.]
to go out
выйти [сов.]

выходи́ть [из; оставлять пределы чего-л.] [несов.]
to rent out
сдать (внаём) [сов.]
Usage Examples English
  • In Canada, aboriginal people used bitumen seeping out of the banks of the Athabasca and other rivers to waterproof birch bark canoes, and also heated it in smudge pots to ward off mosquitoes in the summer.
  • Amphibians evolved adaptations that allowed them to stay out of the water for longer periods.
  • However, a number of men would be stationed all around below rock to catch the criminal and take him out of the borders in order to exile him from the island.
  • Continued racial discrimination and lynchings, agricultural depression, and the failure of the cotton crops due to boll weevil infestation led tens of thousands of African Americans from rural Alabama and other states to seek opportunities in northern and midwestern cities during the early decades of the 20th century as part of the Great Migration out of the South.
  • is the measure of the diffuse reflection of solar radiation out of the total solar radiation and measured on a scale from 0, corresponding to a black body that absorbs all incident radiation, to 1, corresponding to a body that reflects all incident radiation.

  • Nine out of eleven existing climate zones are present in Azerbaijan. The maximum annual precipitation falls in Lankaran (...) and the minimum in Absheron (...).
  • The country has a moderate and improving performance in the Environmental Performance Index with an overall ranking of 62 out of 180 countries in 2020.
  • On 16 October 2014, Angola was elected for the second time a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, with 190 favorable votes out of a total of 193.
  • Although Schopenhauer considered colour theory a minor matter, he accepted the invitation out of admiration for Goethe.
  • The GCFR is delimited to the north by the Cape Fold Belt and the limited space south of it resulted in the development of social networks out of which complex Stone Age technologies emerged.

  • Its per capita income increased a stunning 21-fold over the last four decades, also lifting hundreds of millions out of income poverty.
  • A study on aardvarks in the Kalahari Desert saw that five out of six aardvarks being studied perished following a drought.
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