 Translation for 'outlet' from English to Russian
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NOUN   an outlet | outlets
SYNO electrical outlet | electric outlet | electric receptacle | ...
аутлет {м}
(штепсельная) розетка {ж}
(electrical) outlet [Am.]
розетка {ж} для бритвыshaver outlet [Am.]
3 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • The gas outlet may itself be surrounded by a spinning mesh screen or grating, so that any liquid that does approach the outlet strikes the grating, is accelerated, and thrown away from the outlet.
  • Loft Outlet offers a Loft-based outlet environment, similar to the current Ann Taylor Factory stores, with unique Loft Outlet merchandise mirrored from popular and best-selling Loft products.
  • In 1994, E-Land Group introduced the first outlet in Korean market by opening the first store of 2001 Outlet. It took a form of multi story outlet stores with groceries, houseware and apparel.
  • Located southwest of the town is the upscale Tanger Center Barstow, of the Tanger Factory Outlet Centers chain, which is a popular stop for tourists traveling between Greater Los Angeles and Las Vegas.
  • Each switch or means of operating a switch, for a socket-outlet shall be (a) as close as practicable to the socket-outlet, and (b) marked to indicate the socket-outlet(s) or the connected electrical equipment that it controls, with the exception that marking is not required where the socket-outlet controlled is obvious because of the location of the switch.

  • The Rio Hondo outlet has four main outlet passages plus a small diversion passage.
  • Cheshire Oaks Designer Outlet is an outlet centre in Ellesmere Port, Cheshire, England.
  • Lac Le Gardeur is supplied with water on the northwest side by the outlet of the Sainte-Anne Ouest River (outlet of Fairchild Lake), as well as by the outlet (coming from the northeast) of Lakes Runan and Mancion.
  • Batavia Stad Fashion Outlet is a factory outlet center located in Lelystad, Netherlands.
  • Burlington Outlet Village is an outlet shopping center located just off I-85/40 in Burlington, North Carolina, United States.

  • Royal Quays Outlet Centre, officially known as Royal Quays Outlet & Independent Centre is an outlet centre in Royal Quays, North Shields.
  • Lake Du Bras Coupé gets its supply on the north-west side by the Denning Lake outlet and Lescure Lake outlet; to the northeast by the Lac Gantier outlet and the Lac Sébastien outlet; to the south, by the outlet of Lake Bernard.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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