Translation for '
oxide' from English to Russian
27 translations
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Usage Examples English
- Flat glass has a higher magnesium oxide and sodium oxide content than container glass, and a lower silica, calcium oxide, and aluminium oxide content.
- MOX fuel can be made by grinding together uranium oxide (UO2) and plutonium oxide (PuO2) before the mixed oxide is pressed into pellets, but this process has the disadvantage of forming much radioactive dust.
- Components include silicon dioxide SiO2 42.7%, calcium oxide CaO 0.98%, magnesium oxide MgO 2.5%, manganese oxide MnO 0.15%, iron oxide Fe2O3 8.4%, and aluminium oxide Al2O3 25.1%.
- Among monoxides, carbon monoxide is neutral, germanium(II) oxide is distinctly acidic, and both tin(II) oxide and lead(II) oxide are amphoteric.
- Scandium oxide forms scandate salts with alkalis, unlike its higher homologues yttrium oxide and lanthanum oxide (but like lutetium oxide), for example forming K3Sc(OH)6 with KOH.
- Grog is composed of 40% minimum alumina, 30% minimum silica, 4% maximum iron(III) oxide, up to 2% calcium oxide and magnesium oxide combined.
- Metaluminous rocks are igneous rocks that have a molar proportion of aluminium oxide lower than the combination of calcium oxide, sodium oxide and potassium oxide.
- An oxide thin-film transistor (oxide TFT) or metal oxide thin film transistor is a type of thin film transistor where the semiconductor is a metal oxide compound.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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