 Translation for 'pantheism' from English to Russian
NOUN1   Pantheism | -
NOUN2   PanTheism | -
NOUN3   pantheism | pantheisms
пантеизм {м}
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Translation for 'pantheism' from English to Russian

пантеизм {м}религ.филос.
Usage Examples English
  • Pantheism (Gr. pan=all, theos=God), is the title used to denote any paradigm that postulates 'God is all' Pantheism identifies the Universe (Nature) with God.
  • Jacques de la Faye was a 17th and 18th century French writer whose "Defensio Religionis" ('"Defense of Religion'), a 251-page critique of the pantheism of John Toland, was published at Utrecht by G.
  • Ironically, the Pantheism Controversy led later German philosophers and writers to take an interest in pantheism and Spinozism.
  • Pandeism is a religious construct incorporating elements of pantheism and deism.
  • This allegory is probably the best illustration of pantheism which regards God as One and at the same time believes in His multiple representations in the world (this sounds like panentheism).

  • His usage appears related to pantheism, but is distinctly different.
  • The organization hosts and aims to spread awareness about pantheism through social media, meetings, meditation gatherings, and book borrowing programs.
  • Rely enure pantheism: arty gain groups (genies, pan) titters, tattles, nears.
  • can be seen as pantheistic, or a mixture of pantheism and other doctrines such as polytheism and animism.
  • The term has also been used to mean Pantheism in the classical Greek and Roman era, or archetypal pantheism as variously defined by different authors.

  • Pantheism is the belief that everything composes an all-encompassing, immanent God, Spinoza held that the two are the same, and this monism is a fundamental quality of his philosophy.
  • Picton was a disciple of Spinoza and authored "Pantheism: Its Story and Significance", in 1905.
  • At the time of writing the "Freiheitschrift", Schelling had on his mind an accusation of pantheism, levelled at him by Friedrich Schlegel in "Über Sprache und Weisheit der Indier" (1808).
  • The pantheism controversy in the late 18th century saw Gotthold Lessing attacked by Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi over support for Spinoza's pantheism.
  • His God concept was similar to The All concept of Spinoza and theistic sectors of classical pantheism and modern neo-pantheism but with a liberal Christian tone to it.

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