Translation for '
papal' from English to Russian
ADJ | papal | more papal | most papal | |
SYNO | apostolic | apostolical | papal | ... |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
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Usage Examples English
- In April 1844 he was Papal Legate to Forlì and its province.
- The Augustana Catholic Church accepted papal primacy and papal infallibility even though it was not under papal control.
- According to papal biographer George Weigel, Cardinal Tucci was for many years a scheduler of papal overseas journeys.
- Pius X in the constitution "Sapienti consilio" of 29 June 1908 reorganized the papal curia, papal writings being divided into (apostolic) constitutions, (papal) rescripts, (papal) bulls, (papal) briefs and apostolic letters ("litterae apostolicae").
- Albert von Behaim or Albertus Bohemus (ca. 1180 – 1260) was a papal legate and supporter of papal rights against the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II.
- Within the papal Roman curia, a cardinal is also appointed as protector of the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy, which trains papal diplomats.
- As part of the general re-organisation of papal honours in 1905 by Pope Pius X, the papal Order of Christ was made the most senior papal honour.
- The Colonna family have been Prince Assistants to the Papal Throne since 1710, though their papal princely title only dates from 1854.
- The pope traditionally wore the slippers inside the papal apartments, while red leather papal shoes were worn outdoors.
- On 23 November 1116, he subscribed a papal document for Pope Paschal II at the papal residence in Trastevere.
- Kramer received a papal bull, "Summis desiderantes affectibus", in 1484.
- The Holy See uses decrees from the pope such as papal bull, papal brief or motu proprio as legislative acts.
- The September 1276 papal election is the only papal election to be the third election held in the same year; after Pope Gregory X died, two successors died that year, requiring yet another election.
- The territory of Orvieto was under papal control long before it was officially added to the Papal States (various dates are quoted); it remained a papal possession until 1860, when it was annexed to unified Italy.
- Papal elections since 1276 have taken the form of papal conclaves, which are elections that follow a set of rules and procedures developed in "Ubi periculum" (1274) and later papal bulls; observance of the conclave varied until 1294, but all papal elections since have followed relatively similar conclave procedures.
- He participated in the first papal conclave of 1590 that elected Pope Urban VII; in the second papal conclave of 1590 that elected Pope Gregory XIV; in the papal conclave of 1591 that elected Pope Innocent IX; and in the papal conclave of 1592 that elected Pope Clement VIII.
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