Translation for '
party horn' from English to Russian
NOUN | a party horn | party horns | |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
21 translations
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Usage Examples English
- Ellen Horn (born Ellen Stoesen, 1 February 1951) is a Norwegian actress, theatre director, and politician for the Labour Party.
- Horn was also nominated by the Working Families Party, while Ohler was nominated by the Independent Party.
- Google Japan announced a keyboard shaped like a party horn that a user blows in order to type.
- He is thought by teachers to be a troublemaker, but has brilliant reasoning powers and blows a party horn when he thinks about something.
- The elephant blows its trunk like a party horn and appears to be satisfied by it.
- The app comes with numerous sound effects such as a dog bark, party horn and cheering already available to use in the sampler.
- When she hears the figures tell-tale party horn, she runs out to find him in the woods outsider her house, only to find her long-lost husband Diego (Eduardo Gómez).
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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