 Translation for 'pastor' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a pastor | pastors
SYNO curate | minister | minister of religion | ...
пасторский [прил.]
pastor [pastoral]
духовный пастырь {м}
духовный наставник {м}
розовый скворец {м}
4 translations
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Translation for 'pastor' from English to Russian

pastor [pastoral]
unverified пасторский [прил.]религ.

unverified духовный пастырь {м}религ.

unverified духовный наставник {м}религ.

unverified розовый скворец {м}зоол.орн.
Usage Examples English
  • Father Tom Jezek followed Monsignor Anderson as pastor.
  • "Herr Pastor" is a stereotypical authoritarian pastor in an Ethnic German congregation.
  • Rich Nathan (born December 1955) is an American pastor and author who has been the senior Pastor of Vineyard Columbus since 1987.
  • Pastor Bimbo married the founding pastor of the Fountain of Life Church, Pastor Taiwo Odukoya, and they had three children Tolu Odukoya, (Pastor) Jimmy Odukoya and Tobi Odukoya.
  • 2015-2021: Pastor Margaret O’Neal served as its most recent pastor.

  • Counsell is currently lead pastor at Christ's Church in Ottawa, Ontario.
  • The pastor is tempted by one of the female demons, God makes a bet with the devil concerning the pastor's devotion to him. The pastor passes the test but only just barely.
  • Pastor Esther Bharathi is India's first transgender pastor from the Evangelical Church of India (ECI) branch in Chengalpattu, India. She goes by Pastor Bharathi.
  • Pastor Dan Remus began his role as senior pastor in 1995, after being the youth pastor since 1980.
  • Reverend Albert Perkins was the Pastor of Tucker's Grove United Methodist Church and host pastor of the camp ground for more than 33 years before his retirement in 2018.

  • Márcio Roberto Vieira Valadão (born 24 November 1947) is a Brazilian pastor, apostle, author, and televangelist. He is the pastor senior pastor of the Lagoinha Church.
  • In 2011, Pastor Kim accepted his call to pastor a church in Korea called Hallelujah Community Church.
  • On November 19, 2018, the church announced Jamal Bryant, pastor of Empowerment Temple AME Church in Baltimore, Maryland would become the new pastor of New Birth.
  • Stu Weber is an American pastor and author of several books on Christian living.
  • In February 2002 the founder of the Union Baptist Church died; and in 2003, a new Pastor was elected, Pastor Benjamin T Hailey Sr. Pastor Benjamin is the current pastor of the church.

    © Russian-English dictionary 2025
    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
    Links to this dictionary or to individual translations are very welcome!