 Translation for 'penguins' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a penguin | penguins
пингвины {мн}
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Translation for 'penguins' from English to Russian

пингвины {мн}орн.T
Usage Examples English
  • Royal penguins and Macquarie shags are endemic breeders, while king penguins, southern rockhopper penguins and gentoo penguins also breed here in large numbers.
  • Like other parts of the archipelago, many birds breed here, including king penguins, gentoo penguins, and blue-eyed cormorants.
  • Shining a spotlight on the aquarium's penguins in 2010, Penguin Power was designed to show off the natural abilities of penguins.
  • The banded penguins are penguins that belong to the genus "Spheniscus".
  • Humboldt penguins and Little penguins will work at JAZA member buildings.

  • The genus "Aptenodytes" contains two extant species of penguins collectively known as "the great penguins".
  • Middle Island has a colony of little penguins ("Eudyptula minor").
  • Penguin Encounter was originally home to 12 penguins all of which were moved from New Zealand (presumably from Kelly Tarlton's Underwater World) two weeks before opening.
  • There is also a breeding research facility for penguins and sea turtles in the building.
  • The penguins portrayed in the film were a mix of real penguins and CGI.

  • Penguins: Though flightless, a penguins' wings can be used as flippers to beat handlers.
  • The area is a breeding ground for penguins, including King penguins and Gentoo penguins; Southern elephant seals also breed here, especially at the west end of the beach, where a glacial stream flows.
  • The young penguins return home, only to find that the poachers have also come to catch all the baby penguins to sell to a zoo; Despite some of the penguins getting killed in the operation, Lolo leads a successful rescue.
  • These African penguins are only found on the coastlines of Southern Africa (South Africa & Namibia).
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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