NOUN | pneumonitis | pneumonitides | |
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Usage Examples English
- Mendelson's syndrome, named in 1946 for American obstetrician and cardiologist Curtis Lester Mendelson, is a form of chemical pneumonitis or aspiration pneumonitis caused by aspiration of stomach contents (principally gastric acid) during anaesthesia in childbirth.
- Other conditions that can present similarly include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, bronchiectasis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and pneumonia.
- Though not reported elsewhere, 80 cases of interstitial pneumonitis involving leflunomide have been reported in Japan between 2003 and 2006.
- Flutamide has also been associated with interstitial pneumonitis (which can progress to pulmonary fibrosis).
- Airway obstruction may cause obstructive pneumonitis or post-obstructive pneumonitis.
- Pneumonitis is distinguished from pneumonia on the basis of causation as well as its manifestation.
- Chemical pneumonitis is inflammation of the lung caused by aspirating or inhaling irritants.
- Immune-mediated adverse reactions can occur including pneumonitis, colitis, hepatitis, endocrine disease (endocrinopathies), and nephritis.
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