 Translation for 'poached' from English to Russian
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ADJ   poached | more poached | most poached
VERB   to poach | poached | poached
poaching | poaches
SYNO boiled | poached | stewed
яйцо-пашот {с}
poached egg
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Translation for 'poached' from English to Russian

poached egg
яйцо-пашот {с}гастр.
Usage Examples English
  • is a dessert made from pears poached in sugar syrup and served with vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup.
  • In 2020, social media posts indicated that numerous plants were poached from California and destined for South Korea.
  • A woman sat down at Pinecrest's counter and placed an order for poached eggs on July 24, 1997.
  • He cataloged the large store of illegally poached elephant ivory and rhinoceros horn.
  • in length, and includes chambers named the Roman Chamber, Great Dome, Poached Egg Chamber and Sculpture Chamber.

  • The Bulgarian "pechani yabalki" are also stuffed with walnuts, but are usually baked, not poached.
  • In 1920 Pentland joined Racing de Santander but after one season he was poached by Athletic Bilbao.
  • In India, fried eggs are most commonly called "poached".
  • Çılbır is a Turkish dish of poached eggs with yogurt (often with garlic mixed in).
  • Parrots are poached because they are easy to capture and are abundant.

  • Initially, Piguet began working with Paul Poiret, before being poached by the Paris branch of Redfern.
  • Many species are poached for their alleged medicinal properties.
  • Since then, the rate of rhinos being poached for their horn has been increasing exponentially every year.
  • "Kohlwurst" is not fried or boiled, but is gently poached with cooked vegetables.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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