 Translation for 'police officer' from English to Russian
NOUN   a police officer | police officers
SYNO officer | policeman | police officer
полицейский {м}
police officer
Partial Matches
офицер {м}officer
таможенник {м}
customs officer
гвардейский офицер {м}
Guards officer
офицер-танкист {м}
tank officer
чино́вница {ж} [разг.]
officer [female]
кадровый агент {м}
placement officer
инспектор {м} по охране труда
accident prevention officer
инженер {м} по технике безопасности
accident prevention officer
полицейский конь {м}
police horse
полицейское подразделение {с}police unit
полицейская операция {ж}
police operation
полицейская акция {ж}
police action
правоохранительная деятельность {ж}
police action 
крупномасштабная полицейская операция {ж}
major police operation
действия {мн} полицииpolice action {sg}
широкомасштабная полицейская операция {ж}
major police operation
Международная организация {ж} уголовной полиции
International Criminal Police Organization
сообщить в полицию {ж} на кого-л.
to report sb. to the police
милиция {ж} [государственный орган] police {pl} [in some of the former Soviet republics]
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Translation for 'police officer' from English to Russian

police officer
полицейский {м}занятие

офицер {м}
customs officer
таможенник {м}занятие
Guards officer
гвардейский офицер {м}военно
tank officer
офицер-танкист {м}военно
officer [female]
unverified чино́вница {ж} [разг.]занятие
placement officer
кадровый агент {м}занятие
accident prevention officer
unverified инспектор {м} по охране трудаинд.

unverified инженер {м} по технике безопасностиЕСинж.
police horse
полицейский конь {м}конн.
police unit
полицейское подразделение {с}
police operation
полицейская операция {ж}право
police action
полицейская акция {ж}право
police action 
unverified правоохранительная деятельность {ж}право
major police operation
крупномасштабная полицейская операция {ж}право

широкомасштабная полицейская операция {ж}право
police action {sg}
действия {мн} полиции
International Criminal Police Organization
unverified Международная организация {ж} уголовной полицииправо
to report sb. to the police
сообщить в полицию {ж} на кого-л.право
police {pl} [in some of the former Soviet republics]
милиция {ж} [государственный орган]
Usage Examples English
  • Fox, a veteran Jackson Police Officer to return to the department.
  • He reported having been accused of assault on a police officer after having been himself assaulted and sexually humiliated by the police, then declared an intent to devote his life to opposing police abuse.
  • "Free Lisl: Fear and Loathing in Denver" (2006) chronicles Thompson's efforts in helping to free Lisl Auman, who was sentenced to life in prison without parole for the shooting of a police officer, a crime she did not commit.
  • A police officer responded to reports of a fire at the I Can't Believe It's Yogurt!
  • A 2021 investigation by "Newsnight" and "The Law Society Gazette" found that alleged hate crimes in which the victim was a police officer were significantly more likely to result in a successful prosecution.

  • Separate charges typically exist for sexual assaults, affray and assaulting a police officer.
  • Villanueva was arrested on March 12 after a police officer recognized Villanueva from a composite sketch given to police by the Canadian tourist.
  • On 9 December 2009, in Tanzania, Canadian Junior Envoy Jean Touchette was arrested after it was reported that he spat at a traffic police officer on duty in the middle of a traffic jam in the Banana district on the outskirts of Dar es Salaam.
  • The blonde who shot Bobbi is actually a female police officer, revealing herself to be the blonde who has been trailing Liz.
  • A scene of the 1971 movie "Harold and Maude" was filmed at the original toll plaza and showed Maude speeding and disobeying a police officer.

  • Dre pleaded guilty in October 1992 in a case of battery of a police officer and was convicted on two additional battery counts stemming from a brawl in the lobby of the New Orleans hotel in May 1991.
  • Poirot's name was derived from two other fictional detectives of the time: Marie Belloc Lowndes' Hercule Popeau and Frank Howel Evans' Monsieur Poiret, a retired French police officer living in London.
  • Knight was once arrested in Puerto Rico following a physical confrontation with a police officer.
  • Appreciating Macy's comedic skills off Broadway, Norman Lear brought him to Hollywood, where he first got a small part as a police officer in "All in the Family."
  • Shopkeepers and others people notified a mounted police officer who then inspected the vehicle.

  • Individuals whose membership of the party was made public sometimes faced ostracism and the loss of their job: examples include a school headmaster who had to resign, a caretaker who was sacked after attending a BNP rally, and a police officer dismissed from his position.
  • He was also the voice of the éclair police officer, Wynchell, in the Disney film "Wreck-It Ralph".
  • During World War II, he also served as a military police officer for the United States; Hawai'i was not yet a state and was administered.
  • , for a police officer of the lowest rank, and [...].
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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