 Translation for 'police unit' from English to Russian
NOUN   a police unit | police units
полицейское подразделение {с}police unit
Partial Matches
родильное отделение {с}
labor and delivery unit <LD unit, L&D unit> [Am.]
за единицу {adv}
per unit
войсковая часть {ж}
military unit
на (каждую) единицу {adv}per unit
поштучно {adv}per unit
единица {ж} (измерения)unit [measurement]
воинская часть {ж}
military unit
денежная единица {ж}
monetary unit
международная единица {ж} <МЕ>
international unit <IU>
полицейский {м}
police officer
полицейский конь {м}
police horse
правоохранительная деятельность {ж}
police action 
полицейская операция {ж}
police operation
полицейская акция {ж}
police action
широкомасштабная полицейская операция {ж}
major police operation
крупномасштабная полицейская операция {ж}
major police operation
действия {мн} полицииpolice action {sg}
Международная организация {ж} уголовной полиции
International Criminal Police Organization
сообщить в полицию {ж} на кого-л.
to report sb. to the police
милиция {ж} [государственный орган] police {pl} [in some of the former Soviet republics]
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Translation for 'police unit' from English to Russian

police unit
полицейское подразделение {с}

labor and delivery unit <LD unit, L&D unit> [Am.]
родильное отделение {с}мед.
per unit
за единицу {adv}един.

на (каждую) единицу {adv}

поштучно {adv}
military unit
войсковая часть {ж}военно

воинская часть {ж}военно
unit [measurement]
единица {ж} (измерения)
monetary unit
денежная единица {ж}вал.
international unit <IU>
международная единица {ж} <МЕ>мед.фарм.
police officer
полицейский {м}занятие
police horse
полицейский конь {м}конн.
police action 
unverified правоохранительная деятельность {ж}право
police operation
полицейская операция {ж}право
police action
полицейская акция {ж}право
major police operation
широкомасштабная полицейская операция {ж}право

крупномасштабная полицейская операция {ж}право
police action {sg}
действия {мн} полиции
International Criminal Police Organization
unverified Международная организация {ж} уголовной полицииправо
to report sb. to the police
сообщить в полицию {ж} на кого-л.право
police {pl} [in some of the former Soviet republics]
милиция {ж} [государственный орган]
Usage Examples English
  • The Army, Navy, and Air force have their own Military Police unit which focuses on their own branches, but any Military policemen from either branch can take action towards military members from a different branch if caught red-handed, then the violator will be sent to the Military police of their branch.
  • During a brief shootout with Politiets Aktionsstyrke (a special intervention police unit) he was seriously wounded and later died from his injuries in the hospital.
  • The "Baltimore American" hired Cain as a cub reporter in the summer of 1917 and assigned him to a police unit.
  • In 1990, Orić was deployed to Kosovo as a member of a Special Police unit of the Ministry of the Interior of the Socialist Republic of Serbia.
  • Økokrim is both a police unit and a prosecution authority.

  • On 3 May Major Alfredo Reinado, the commander of the F-FDTL's military police unit, and most of his soldiers including Lt Gastão Salsinha abandoned their posts in protest at what they saw as the army's deliberate shooting of civilians.
  • For example, in Queensland, Maritime Safety Queensland is responsible for maritime safety and the Queensland Police Service has a water police unit for law enforcement along the coastline, in waterways, and for Queensland islands.
  • There are other special units besides the main fire companies. The MTFD has its own Fire Police Unit, Air Unit, and Special Services Unit (SSU).
  • The police unit is featured in a 1994–1995 limited series, "Metropolis SCU".
  • They also form the 13th Battalion of the Life Guards, which is a military police unit.

  • YAMAM, the Israeli counter-terrorism police unit that performed the operation, said Qawasemah opened fire on them as they attempted to arrest him.
  • In 1992, the GNG merged to become part of a police unit called the Tactical Support Group.
  • The ADF includes a number of joint operational and training units. These include the Joint Military Police Unit and the Joint Helicopter Aircrew Training School.
  • Vidocq became the head of an undercover police unit and later founded France's first private detective agency.
  • The security of the highways in Colombia is managed by the Highway Police unit of the Colombian National Police.

  • In May 2015, Tajikistan's national security suffered a serious setback when Colonel Gulmurod Khalimov, commander of the special-purpose police unit (OMON) of the Interior Ministry, defected to the Islamic State.
  • In each of provincial Police Service, it also maintains a respective Elite Police units led by the NACTA—a counter-terrorism police unit as well as providing VIP escorts.
  • During the 1972 Munich Olympic Games, Fliegerbauer was assigned to a riot police unit.
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