 Translation for 'polish' from English to Russian
ADJ   Polish | more Polish | most Polish
NOUN1   Polish [language] | -
NOUN2   a polish | polishes
VERB   to polish | polished | polished
polishing | polishes
SYNO burnish | cultivation | culture | ...
польский {adj}Polish
полироватьto polish
политура {ж}polish
лак {м} для ногтейnail polish
жидкость {ж} для снятия лака [с ногтей]nail polish remover
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Usage Examples English
  • Maciej Michalski, a polish film director. He is popularly known for creating video clips for the Polish singer Justyna Steczkowska.
  • Esquire Shoe Polish was the best selling shoe polish brand in America from the 1940s to the 1960s.
  • Hoof dressing is a liquid substance used on the hooves to improve their moisture content, which in turn helps prevent hoof cracks, lost shoes, tender feet, and other common hoof problems. Polish for hooves is used for show purposes and is either based on formulas similar to wax-based shoe polish or to the enamel in human nail polish.
  • "Xavras Wyżryn" (polish pronunciation: ˈvɨ̞ʐrɨ̞̃n) is an alternate history novel by the Polish science fiction writer Jacek Dukaj, published in 1997.
  • Note the big letter B in black shoe-polish on the back of the boys, and their number in polish on their chest.

  • Kiwi has been the dominant shoe polish in many countries, including the United Kingdom and the United States for much of its life.
  • This type of nail polish is a clear, milky-colored, or opaque pink polish formula that is used specifically before applying nail polish to the nail.
  • For nail polish, put some polish remover to the back of the stain and repeat this step until the stain lifts. Wash it in the laundry and rinse it.
  • Snedeker was hired by Kiwi shoe polish for one of his earliest jobs. There he developed a new, white shoe polish that did not stain clothing.
  • WREN'S reputation reached its peak when King George VI emulated his grandfather by awarding the Royal Warrant to WREN'S despite the acquisition by Chiswick Polish Co., Ltd in 1938.

  • Kasperski is a Ministry of Culture "Młoda Polska Scholarship" holder for most talented young Polish artists.
  • The catalog contains black and white illustrations of polish stamps, cancellations, and overprints. Value of individual stamps is listed in Polish currency. The entire catalog is written in Polish.
  • The Best Polish Love Songs... Ever!- is a compilation released by EMI in early 2009. It hypothetically contains the best polish love songs of all the time.
  • Some manufacturers have several grades of polish, for example an FC connector may be designated "FC/PC" (for Physical Contact), while "FC/SPC" and "FC/UPC" may denote "super" and "ultra" polish qualities, respectively.
  • William Ramsay (6 June 1868 – 4 September 1914) was a Scottish-born Australian shoe polish manufacturer.

  • Orange oil is used as a cleaner. It is also used as an additive to certain wax finish/polish such as Howard's Feed-N-Wax Wood Polish & Conditioner.
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