Translation for '
polite form' from English to Russian
10 translations
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Usage Examples English
- Some anomalies emerged with the arrival of multinational companies who have addressed their customers in the "te" (least polite) form right from the beginning of their presence in Hungary.
- For a more polite form rather than a straightforward command imperative TAM a is used with adverbial kānei.
- The term is used in Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia as a polite form of address equivalent to the English "Mr." in written and spoken language.
- ", and continues to be used today by English language speakers as a polite form of address.
- The optative mood can also be expressed by suffixing 様に "yō ni" to the verb, typically the polite form. For instance, "may you have a pleasant trip" 楽しい旅になります様に.
- Javanese language originated from the Central Javanese farmland and by the time it reached the coastal area of East Java, it changed from its original polite form into a more impolite version with the creation or further adaptation of many new 'Javanese-style' words and swearwords.
- Along with being the polite form of address in French, it also denotes respect for someone in a higher position of power.
- As in other Western Swiss German dialects and as in French, the polite form of address is the second person plural and not the third person plural as in German.
- "Desu" is the polite form of the copula. Thus, many sentences like the ones below are almost identical in meaning and differ only in the speaker's politeness to the addressee and in nuance of how assured the person is of their statement.
- The second-person plural can be used as a polite form when addressing one person, as in some Indo-European languages. However, this usage is diminishing in Finnish society.
- With this polite form, the rough "kū" verb is unlikely to be used.
- Early episodes featuring Brandtner show Alex and Leo using formal language - generally involving the German "Sie" form of address (the polite form).
- In Georgian, the surname is not normally used as the polite form of address; instead, the given name is used together with a title.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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