 Translation for 'polite' from English to Russian
ADJ   polite | politer / more polite | politest / most polite
SYNO civil | civilised | civilized | ...
учтивый {adj}polite
вежливый {adj}polite
любезный {adj}polite
форма {ж} вежливости
polite form
4 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Concerning the addressing policy, Romanian Wikipedia uses the polite forms of the personal pronouns and verbs.
  • For example, a person may be "polite", but another person may be "more" polite", and a third person may be the "most" polite" of the three.
  • Going up one scale in politeness, the more polite verb "kudasai" is added.
  • Kri pronouns displays sensitivity to the three grammatical numbers in Kri (singular, dual and plural), as well inclusive/exclusive distinction, and (for the singular) a polite/bare distinctions.
  • The polite plural is identical to the Present Subjunctive. As with the polite singular, objective personal pronouns come before the verb as opposed to after it.

  • The intimate, intimate polite, casual, and casual polite endings are simpler.
  • They are always friendly and polite to reform opponents, making sure to thank them profusely for fighting to protect their supposed fortunes.
  • As a theoretical term, the differences between "the polite" and "the vernacular" can be a matter of degree and subjective analysis.
  • On "Firing Line", Buckley had a reputation for being polite to his guests.
  • It can cause subjects to be more polite and considerate with others.

  • Note that "demand" is nowhere near as rude as it might sound in English. It is a polite but firm request, but not as polite as, say, "would you...".
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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