 Translation for 'political journalism' from English to Russian
политическая журналистика {ж} <ПЖ>
political journalism
Partial Matches
журналистика {ж}
фотожурналистика {ж}
photo journalism
журналистская премия {ж}
journalism award
публицистика {noun}
sociopolitical journalism
политический {adj}political
псевдополитический {м} {adj}
неполиткорректность {ж}
political incorrectness
политнекорректность {ж}
political incorrectness
политкорректность {ж}
political correctitude
политкорректность {ж}
political correctness
политический уклон {м}
political bias
политзаключённый {м}
political prisoner
политическое убежище {с}
political asylum
политическая корректность {ж}
political correctness <PC>
15 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • The expression “cakeism” and the associated noun and adjective “cakeist” have come into general use in British English, especially in political journalism, and have been accepted into English dictionaries.
  • Murray won WA's top journalism award, the University of Western Australia's Lovekin Prize in 1985, and the Daily News Centenary Prize in 1986, as well as the Beck Prize for political journalism in 1986.
  • She also began to intervene in political journalism as well as fighting for the right of women to social and intellectual emancipation.
  • Born in Mansuè, on 19 June 1808, Dall'Ongaro was educated for the priesthood, but abandoned his orders, and taking to political journalism founded the Favilla at Trieste in the Liberal interest.
  • He went into political exile in Kenya, where he taught political journalism at the University of Nairobi until 1976 and then traveled around Africa visiting Tanzania, Liberia and Senegal and returning to Nairobi in 1979.

  • In 2007, he was awarded the £10,000 David Watt Prize for outstanding political journalism for a feature on globalisation and its effects on the living standards of employees in the west.
  • He was awarded an OBE in 2001 for his services to political journalism.
  • In 2017, he received the Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Television Political Journalism from the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism.
  • However, his primary focus was the court trials for "Vészi's Budapesti Napló ("Budapest Daily), a newspaper then edited and published by József Vészi, a Jewish intellectual who dominated Hungarian political journalism.
  • Specialising in political journalism, she has written for and edited many significant Australian newspapers.

  • Chute also speaks out publicly about class issues in the US and publishes "The Fringe," a monthly collection of in-depth political journalism, short stories, and intellectual commentary on current events.
  • Robinson was interested in political journalism from the age of eight.
  • Tatarchev authored several political journalism works between the First and Second World War.
  • The Clark Mollenhoff Award for Excellence in Investigative Reporting is awarded annually by the Institute on Political Journalism for the best investigative journalism article in a newspaper or magazine.
  • He won the Orwell Prize for political journalism in 2001, and the "What the Papers Say" "Columnist of the Year" award for 2003.

  • The site has gained recognition and won numerous awards for its contributions to political journalism.
  • In 2006 Braanen received the Fritt Ord Award for his efforts – together with the staff – to develop "Klassekampen" into a broad and including daily "with exceptional contributions in the field of serious political journalism".
  • Crouse's brother is Timothy Crouse, author of "The Boys on the Bus" about political journalism during the 1972 presidential campaign.
  • The Right Livelihood Award Foundation cited her work in "developing an innovative model of truly independent grassroots political journalism that brings to millions of people the alternative voices that are often excluded by the mainstream media".
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