 Translation for 'political' from English to Russian
ADJ   political | more political | most political
политический {adj}political
2 Words
псевдополитический {м} {adj}
политическое убежище {с}
political asylum
политический уклон {м}
political bias
политкорректность {ж}
political correctitude
политкорректность {ж}
political correctness
политическая корректность {ж}
political correctness <PC>
неполиткорректность {ж}
political incorrectness
политнекорректность {ж}
political incorrectness
политическая журналистика {ж} <ПЖ>
political journalism
политзаключённый {м}
political prisoner
11 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Political: Political conventions, planned presentations or speeches about company earnings or political issues, are a form of media event.
  • Political fragmentation is the fragmentation of the political landscape into different parties and groups, which makes it difficult to deliver effective governance.
  • This is a list of notable political scientists. See the list of political theorists for those who study political theory. See also political science.
  • Tactical privatisation seeks to gain short-term political benefits for parties or political actors.
  • Political slangs are mostly obtained from certain political event and are a product of political sarcasm.

  • Feminist political philosophy involves understanding and critiquing political philosophy’s inattention to feminist concerns, and instead articulates ways for political theory to be reconstructed to further feminist aims.
  • After jail he was forced by his father followers to restart his political activities in the current political arena and announced political pluralistic system, hence adopted a new liberal Political party (DA NEJAT AFGHANI GHORZANG) Afghan Salvation Movement.
  • • Training of trainers especially members of political parties, non-governmental organizations, and civil society activists on political processes including political mobilization.
  • This is a list of various international institutes teaching full-time, part-time and short-term programs in political management.
  • Ruth Abbey (born 1961) is an Australian political theorist with interests in contemporary political theory, history of political thought and feminist political thought.

  • In political science, a revolution ([...] , 'a turn around') is a fundamental and relatively sudden change in political power and political organization which occurs when the population revolts against the government, typically due to perceived oppression (political, social, economic) or political incompetence.
  • He teaches graduate and undergraduate level courses in political psychology at UCLA [...] and coordinate the UCLA Political Psychology Lab.
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