 Translation for 'prepacked' from English to Russian
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SYNO prepackaged | prepacked
расфасованный {adj} {past-p}prepacked
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Translation for 'prepacked' from English to Russian

расфасованный {adj} {past-p}
Usage Examples English
  • Besides the standard way of making "ssamjang", other ingredients can be added to make special versions. There are also commercially prepacked "ssamjang" available on the market.
  • In the European Union, all prepackaged foods and non-prepacked foods from a restaurant, take-out food wrapped just before sale, or unpackaged food served in institutions must be identified if gluten-free.
  • Currently the candy is mainly sold in prepacked small boxes.
  • The API comes prepacked in a Debian package, available freely from the official website indicated below.
  • Regulations apply to the labelling of goods pre-packaged for sale and to the provision of information regarding non-prepacked (loose) foods.

  • Omalizumab was for several years provided only in a dry powder formulation, which requires the reconstitution with a prepacked solvent with the help of a shaker at the treating clinician's office before injection.
  • can be found on most prepacked products in the European Union (EU).
  • Vinogradov also prepacked equipment to be returned.
  • They were organized into Self-Defense militia companies (French: "Auto Defense de Choc" – ADC), and equipped from the same prepacked supplies as used in Project Momentum.
  • The ADC program consisted of prepacked military equipment suitable for training 100 recruits at a time.

  • The "ika sōmen" has also become widely available prepacked in Japan.
  • Since the late 1990s, British supermarkets have stocked a growing range of prepacked balti meals, and the "balti" restaurant sector has since faced increasing competition from the retail sector and from changes in customer tastes, along with other traditional South Asian and Indian restaurants.
  • Following a shake-up and cost-cutting exercise in 2012, many office functions including planning and distribution for the prepacked aggregates business were moved to Ketton.
  • The launcher and projectile are manufactured prepacked and issued as one unit of ammunition, with the launcher discarded after one use.
  • Originally operating as a coffee shop selling its own products, the company later manufactured prepacked sandwiches for sale in retail outlets.

    © Russian-English dictionary 2025
    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
    Links to this dictionary or to individual translations are very welcome!