 Translation for 'prism' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a prism | prisms
SYNO optical prism | prism
призма {ж}
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Translation for 'prism' from English to Russian

призма {ж}оптикафиз.
Usage Examples English
  • There is an infinite series of convex uniform antiprismatic prisms, starting with the "digonal antiprismatic prism" is a tetrahedral prism, with two of the tetrahedral cells degenerated into squares.
  • A prism diagonal uses a simple 90°-angle prism, pentaprism, or an Amici roof prism rather than a mirror to bend the optical path.
  • The simplest roof prism is the Amici roof prism, with other common roof prism designs being the Abbe–Koenig prism, the Schmidt–Pechan prism and probably the best known being the roof pentaprism (pictured right).
  • Porro prism and Perger prism binoculars and roof prism binoculars using the Abbe–Koenig roof prism do not use dielectric coatings because these prisms reflect with 100% reflectivity using total internal reflection in the prism rather than requiring a (dielectric) mirror coating.
  • An Amici roof prism, named for its inventor, the Italian astronomer Giovanni Battista Amici, is a type of reflecting prism used to deviate a beam of light by 90° while simultaneously inverting the image.

  • Three forms are Johnson solids: augmented hexagonal prism, biaugmented triangular prism, and elongated pentagonal pyramid.
  • Multiple-prism beam expanders and arrays can also be described using ray transfer matrices.
  • A uniform prism or semiregular prism is a right prism with regular bases and all edges of the same length.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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