 Translation for 'proposed' from English to Russian
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VERB   to propose | proposed | proposed
proposing | proposes
предложенный {adj} {past-p}proposed [suggested]
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Translation for 'proposed' from English to Russian

proposed [suggested]
предложенный {adj} {past-p}
Usage Examples English
  • This is a list of proposed power stations in the Commonwealth of Australia. Australia currently has 11 proposed fossil power plants, 42 proposed renewable plants, and 8 others.
  • The EU proposed a price corridor for gas in November, which Aasland warned against.
  • In addition to the market house, there were several other public structures proposed for the park.
  • In 2017, the Tamil Nadu Government proposed a metro for the city of Coimbatore.
  • If enacted, the proposed Amendment and the proposed Act, a Federal Statute would become law.

  • Agent Communication Language (ACL), proposed by the Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA), is a proposed standard language for agent communications.
  • The proposed by-law is aimed specifically at the Byward Market which is within Bédard's ward.
  • On September 10, 2020 as part of its FY2022 proposed budget, WMATA proposed to eliminate route 4A service in order to reduce costs and low federal funds.
  • This conundrum was also recognized by the framers of the proposed State of Sequoyah, who met in 1905 to propose statehood for the Indian Territory.
  • On September 10, 2020 as part of its FY2022 proposed budget, WMATA proposed to truncate route 1C service to Fair Oaks Mall in order to reduce costs and low federal funds.

  • Conversely, if the amount proposed for sale is higher, he must lower the price.
  • Arcus is a proposed X-ray space observatory proposed to NASA's Explorer program, Medium Explorer (MIDEX) class.
  • It proposed to be a junction on the western line of the proposed Ethiopian railway.
  • The -omics Wikipedia entry had previously listed sociome as a proposed new name for sociology, although it is unclear whether this has ever actually been proposed by any credible source.
  • Lisburn West is a proposed railway station planned for the Knockmore area of Lisburn, County Antrim, Northern Ireland.

  • One of the very first proposed attacks for generating adversarial examples was proposed by Google researchers Ian J. Goodfellow, Jonathon Shlens, and Christian Szegedy.
  • After Independence, six alignments were proposed for the implementation of the Sethusamudram Shipping Canal Project.
  • Certain portions of the proposed routing would be similar to that covered by the Maryland Transit Administration's proposed Yellow Line.
  • Choi Wan (...) is a proposed MTR station on the proposed [...]. It is proposed to be located at Choi Hing Road, Kwun Tong District, Kowloon, Hong Kong. The station is still under planning.
  • Signature Tower was a proposed skyscraper in Jakarta, Indonesia. The proposed height is [...].

    © Russian-English dictionary 2025
    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
    Links to this dictionary or to individual translations are very welcome!