 Translation for 'protractor' from English to Russian
NOUN   a protractor | protractors
транспортир {м}
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Translation for 'protractor' from English to Russian

транспортир {м}мат.тех.
Usage Examples English
  • The most effective surgical treatment has been "protractor myectomy", the removal of muscles responsible for eyelid closure.
  • Also shown are a large set of mathematical instruments to measure angles: sectors, a protractor and beam compass.
  • A protractor divided in centiturns is normally called a "percentage protractor".
  • Crescent lake is like a 180 degree protractor lake. Deep blue water with stairs on one side.
  • From Hoil’s point, it’s huge protractor. Following, ancients also mastered exact sciences, beside dimension of time and space.

  • Before the protractor became ubiquitous, compasses and the Scale of Chords were used for laying out an angle. This method originally used them.
  • The protractor head has a flat reference edge which is attached to an adjustable 180° protractor or (sometimes called a turret) with a graduated scale in both directions for reading both the angle or the complement angle.
  • Bigsworth developed his Bigsworth Protractor, Parallels and Chart Board, commonly known as the Bigsworth chart board, around 1918, to aid in the use of charts for aerial navigation.
  • The protractor head (two scales and protractor mechanism) is able to move freely across the surface of the drawing board, sliding on two guides directly or indirectly anchored to the drawing board.
  • The M. protractor pterygoidei et quadrati is a cranial muscle that pulls the streptostylic quadrate dorsorostrally in birds.

  • He was a pioneer writer in English in several areas, and inventor of a standard classroom geometrical instrument, the protractor.
  • The modern rolling ruler, with protractor, pivot pin and multiple pin holes serving as fixed length compasses has been patented in the US in 1991 by Wei Wang.
  • A bevel protractor is a graduated circular protractor with one pivoted arm; used for measuring or marking off angles.
  • In addition to the calculating machine, in his career Grillet invented a hygrometer (for which he was accused of plagiarism by another inventor); graphometers; drawing instrument set; protractor, set square, with plumb-bob.
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