 Translation for 'psychoanalysis' from English to Russian
NOUN   psychoanalysis | -
SYNO analysis | depth psychology | psychoanalysis
психоанализ {м}
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Translation for 'psychoanalysis' from English to Russian

психоанализ {м}псих.
Usage Examples English
  • The new journal "Language and Psychoanalysis" is just devoted to research in the intersection between psychoanalysis and linguistics.
  • Nina Coltart (1927-1997) was the Director of the London Clinic of Psychoanalysis, a neo-Freudian and a Buddhist.
  • (4) 1925–present: The view on psychoanalysis expanded from internal forces only (the classic psychoanalysis) to the influences of culture and other persons on the patient and its psychoanalysis.
  • He also trained at the Western New England Institute for Psychoanalysis.
  • Relational psychoanalysis is a school of psychoanalysis in the United States that emphasizes the role of real and imagined relationships with others in mental disorder and psychotherapy.

  • Through its related bodies, the Institute of Psychoanalysis and the London Clinic of Psychoanalysis, it is involved in the teaching, development, and practice of psychoanalysis at its headquarters at Byron House, west London.
  • Balint was a student of Sandor Ferenczi, who was one of the first professors of psychoanalysis in 1919.
  • Greenberg, along with Stephen Mitchell, was one of the main originators of relational psychoanalysis, a new development in psychoanalysis which is in part a further development of interpersonal psychoanalysis and object relations theory.
  • Power politics and psychoanalysis—an introduction.
  • Cohler was a practicing clinical psychologist and certified in psychoanalysis by the Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis.

  • "The American Journal of Psychoanalysis" is a healthcare journal covering psychoanalysis.
  • Arlow insisted on the limitations of psychoanalysis, inherent both in its technique and in the human experience itself, and warned against any quest for perfection through psychoanalysis.
  • The International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (IARPP) is an organization that was founded in 2001 to promote the development of relational psychoanalysis.
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