NOUN | a psychoanalyst | psychoanalysts | |
SYNO | analyst | psychoanalyst |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Usage Examples English
- From 1973 to 1980 Reiche studied at the Sigmund-Freud-Institut in Frankfurt am Main and he became a psychoanalyst in 1980 (DPV).
- Key thinkers include psychoanalytic and cultural theorist Luce Irigaray (born 1930), psychoanalyst and writer Julia Kristeva (born 1941), writer and philosopher Simone de Beauvoir, writer and cultural theorist Helen Cixous and artist and psychoanalyst Bracha Ettinger.
- 'A good psychoanalyst can give help to themselves'.
- ... 3 July 1941 – 6 December 2017) was a French psychoanalyst, born in Antibes.
- This collection features a series of nine photographs exploring themes of absence and the relationship between psychoanalyst and patient, through depictions of psychoanalyst offices.
- He was the son of Viennese psychoanalyst Wilhelm Stekel.
- Together with the French psychoanalyst and historian Elisabeth Roudinesco, Johansson has introduced the Swedish psychoanalyst and researcher Ola Andersson in France.
- Between 1971 and 1980 he works with Jacques Lacan who was his own psychoanalyst. He becomes member of the École Freudienne de Paris (Freudian School of Paris) and starts working as a psychoanalyst.
- Albena Stambolova (Bulgarian: Албена Стамболова) (born 1957) is a Bulgarian psychoanalyst and Freudian psychologist, literature columnist and novelist.
- It is loosely based on real life events of Russian psychoanalyst and physician Sabina Spielrein and notably on her therapeutic and sentimental relationship with fellow psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung.
- She contributed a chapter on Emmanuel Ghent for "Clinical Implications of the Psychoanalyst's Life Experience: When the Personal Becomes Professional" (2013), a book in which leaders in the fields of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, including Princess Diana's therapist Susie Orbach, address the phenomena of the psychoanalyst's personal life and psychology.
- A Psychoanalyst on His Own Couch - 2019/London: Vamik Volkan puts himself on his couch and tells his fascinating life story as an international psychoanalyst who has seen and studied humans in many parts of the world to the renowned writer, scriptwriter, and director.
- George Devereux was a French-American ethnologist and psychoanalyst.
- In addition to working as a professor, Bryant has also served as a Lacanian psychoanalyst.
- Aline Valangin was a Swiss writer, pianist, and psychoanalyst. She was follower of Carl Jung and became a psychoanalyst.
- Alain de Mijolla (15 May 1933, in Paris – 24 January 2019) was a French psychoanalyst and psychiatrist.
- Lloyd deMause (pronounced "de-Moss"; September 19, 1931 – April 23, 2020) was an American lay psychoanalyst and social historian, best known for his pioneering work in the field of psychohistory.
- ... ro/; born 2 March 1947) is an Italian psychoanalyst, who specializes in the work with children.
- A training analysis is a psychoanalysis undergone by a candidate (perhaps a physician with specialty in psychiatry or a psychologist) as a part of her/his training to be a psychoanalyst; the (senior) psychoanalyst who performs such an analysis is called a training analyst.
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