Translation for '
psychology' from English to Russian
NOUN1 | a psychology | psychologies | |
NOUN2 | psychology | - | |
SYNO | psychological science | psychology |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
5 translations
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Usage Examples English
- László Garai (29 August 1935 — 25 May 2019) was a scholar of psychology: studies theoretical psychology, social psychology and economic psychology.
- In 1975, with the merger of the Departments of Psychology and Educational Psychology to form the University-wide Department of Psychology, Ferkauf began to develop as a school of psychology.
- Cyberpsychology (also known as Internet psychology, web psychology, or digital psychology) is a developing field that encompasses all psychological phenomena associated with or affected by emerging technology.
- Applied psychology applies theory to solve problems in human and animal behavior.
- ... born April 1, 1952) is an Israeli professor of psychology at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, specializing in Economic psychology and Social psychology.
- Donald Gildersleeve Paterson (January 18, 1892 – October 4, 1961) was an American psychologist known for pioneering applied psychology, in particular vocational counseling, industrial/organizational psychology, and differential psychology in the United States.
- Wong's research career has covered several domains in psychology: learning theory, social cognition, existential psychology, and positive psychology.
- Rindermann does research in educational psychology, developmental psychology, differential psychology, pedagogy, and clinical psychology.
- MSc Applied Psychology and MSc in Business Psychology gives deeper knowledge in the respected area of Psychology studies.
- Another domain of educational psychology is the psychology of teaching.
- After initial publication on DST, the theory has been applied in a variety of fields: cultural psychology psychotherapy; cyberpsychology; media psychology, vocational psychology, and literary sciences.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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