 Translation for 'psychopath' from English to Russian
NOUN   a psychopath | psychopaths
SYNO psychopath | sociopath
психопат {м}
психопатка {ж}
psychopath [female]
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Translation for 'psychopath' from English to Russian

психопат {м}псих.
psychopath [female]
психопатка {ж}псих.
Usage Examples English
  • A businessman hires a psychopath to murder his wife.
  • A journalist on the Danish newspaper "Information", Kristian Ditlev Jensen, called Peter Lundin a psychopath by writing the sentence "We are, basically, not clinical psychopaths in the Peter Lundin category" (...) in an editorial not otherwise about Peter Lundin.
  • Albert Ellis stated that "the exclusive homosexual is a psychopath" to which someone in the audience responded, "Any homosexual who would come to you for treatment, Dr.
  • The woods that the house is surrounded by was previously the site of a number of serial killings of children, attributed to a psychopath.
  • Fallon, who states that he has the neurological and genetic correlates of psychopathy, has categorized himself as a "pro-social psychopath".

  • Ethical standards of an entire organization can be damaged if a corporate psychopath is in charge.
  • He played Slick, the sadistic psychopath, in the 2011 independent film "Hobo with a Shotgun".
  • The movie ends with the media reporting the chain of events and an end to the murders by the psychopath.
  • However, eight days after the killing someone called "him" claiming to be the killer, apparently to correct Bell's assumption that the killer was a psychopath who targeted gays.
  • The authors of the book "Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work" describe a five phase model of how a typical workplace psychopath climbs to and maintains power.

  • However, only a single crew member and a single burglar manage to escape the wrath of the psychopath, as the burglar kills the psychopath and burns him to death.
  • The writer said that the girl for whom the two friends were fighting is a psychopath and would kill one of the friends.
  • He meets Toto Constant, who he speculates is a psychopath, corporate leader Albert J.
  • Cooper was diagnosed as a psychopath.
  • As Mackay is asked if he considers himself a psychopath, he replies: "There is never any suggestion in my mind that I was ever a psychopath".

  • In 1938, the Illinois General Assembly passed a "psychopathic offender" law, under which anyone suffering from a "mental disorder" and who had "criminal propensities to the commission of sex crimes" was considered and legally labelled a "sexual psychopath".
  • And an inspector has to protect a film dubber pursued by a psychopath.
  • The lead role (Chris Luger) is played by Thom Hoffman who plays a psychopath with fascist tendencies.
  • Evolutionary psychology researchers have proposed several evolutionary explanations for psychopathy.
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