 Translation for 'psychopathic' from English to Russian
ADJ   psychopathic | more psychopathic | most psychopathic
SYNO psychopathic | psychopathologic | psychopathological
психопатический {adj}
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Translation for 'psychopathic' from English to Russian

психопатический {adj}псих.
Usage Examples English
  • Harmful behavior against living creatures, brutal and destructive amoral dispositions, and criminal recidivism were additionally more prominently predicted by sadism than psychopathic traits.
  • The TriPM includes various components of other measures for assessing psychopathy, including meanness and disinhibition patterns within the psychopathic personality.
  • When Daken, the psychopathic son of Wolverine, invades the Runaways' home, Chase knocks him out with his gloves.
  • Colonel of the Green Dragoons, he’s portrayed as a brutal and psychopathic commander. The character is based on Banastre Tarleton.
  • While in prison in 1931, doctors diagnosed Galante as having a psychopathic personality.

  • He portrayed characters such as the father in "Fourteen Hours" (1951) and a psychopathic gangster in "The Lineup" (1958).
  • It follows Jeong Ba-reum (Lee Seung-gi), a steadfast police officer, whose life changes when he encounters a psychopathic serial killer.
  • She has studied the brains of children and adults who have psychopathic traits and found that it is strongly inherited, one factor of which is a fearless maternal influence.
  • Clark, concluded that Congress had the power to exclude aliens and that Congress intended to include homosexuals in the category of those possessing a "psychopathic personality".
  • In 2015, Pan was cast in the film "Blind Spot", playing Chen Wen, a psychopathic teacher.

  • Jetstorm (Brian Drummond) is a psychopathic Vehicon general, who commands the aerial drones. He was the brainwashed spark of Silverbolt.
  • The plot concerns a psychopathic housewife named Azucena intent on killing her husband Felipe while infatuated with Pablo.
  • Giering's portrayal of the psychopathic killer, ‘Peter’ in "Funny Games" was considered a breakout performance.
  • He thought very creative or intelligent people had abnormal personalities by definition, but defined the psychopathic personality as those who suffered from their abnormal personality or caused suffering to society because of it.
  • He played psychopathic killer Derrick Quaid on "Home and Away" in 2009.

  • On May 1, 1919 the Massachusetts State Psychiatric Institute was separated from the Psychopathic Department of the Boston State Hospital, which relieved the psychopathic department of scientific research, leaving it with purely hospital functions.
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