NOUN | psychophysiology | - | |
SYNO | neuropsychology | physiological psychology | psychophysiology |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Usage Examples English
- The Performing Arts Psychophysiology Section is open to anyone interested in psychophysiology for artists.
- Jochen Fahrenberg (born 18 September 1937 in Berlin) is a German psychologist in the fields of Personality, psychophysiology and philosophy of science.
- "Studies of Autonomic Balance in Army Air Forces Personnel" is considered an internationally known monograph within psychophysiology.
- He has published widely on emotion, autonomic psychophysiology, interoception, and psychiatric symptoms.
- Frank Joseph McGuigan (December 7, 1924 – April 8, 1998) was an American psychologist. His research spanned multiple areas, including cybernetics, electrophysiology, and psychophysiology.
- In 1988, the Society for Psychophysiological Research awarded Sokolov a special diploma "for outstanding contributions to psychophysiology".
- James Anthony Horne (born April 1946) is a British sleep neuroscientist and emeritus professor of psychophysiology at Loughborough University.
- Cindy Meston is a Canadian-American clinical psychologist well-known for her research on the psychophysiology of female sexual arousal.
- Chivers's research interests include sexual attractions, sexual response, sexual functioning, and the psychophysiology of sexual arousal.
- This approach was developed within experimental psychophysiology in studies on adults only and therefore was not used in developmental psychology (in studies and practical applications of children's temperament).
- Roth is currently semi-retired, but continues research work on the psychophysiology of hyperarousal and posttraumatic stress disorder, as well as ambulatory monitoring of sleep.
- While psychophysiology was a discipline off the mainstream of psychological and medical science prior to roughly the 1940s, more recently, psychophysiology has found itself positioned at the intersection of psychological and medical science, and its popularity and importance have expanded commensurately with the realization of the inter-relatedness of mind and body.
- Kornfeld initiated one of the first studies to utilize the denervated human heart, created at the time of cardiac transplantation, as the basis for the study of the psychophysiology of cardiac rhythm.
- His fields of research interest were sensory psychophysiology, psychometrics, and work psychophysiology, particularly methodological problems and approaches in investigation.
- Julia Gippenreiter (Russian:Ю́лия Бори́совна Гиппенре́йтер; born 25 March 1930, in Moscow) is a modern Russian psychologist, a specialist in experimental psychology, psychophysiology, family therapy and neuro-linguistic programming.
- Although his questions often address classic social psychological issues, Amodio's approach is interdisciplinary; he integrates theory and methodology from social psychology, cognitive and affective neuroscience, and psychophysiology to inform his hypotheses and the designs of his studies.
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