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Usage Examples English
- By the mid-1950s, he was considered one of the major figures in psychosomatic studies.
- The term "psychogenic disease" is often used in a similar way to "psychosomatic disease".
- Sarno's most recent book, "The Divided Mind: The Epidemic of Mindbody Disorders", features chapters by six other physicians and addresses the entire spectrum of psychosomatic disorders and the history of psychosomatic medicine.
- On June 1, 2020, Ogata withdrew from the group due to psychosomatic disorder.
- In 1833, he published the first casebook of psychosomatic medicine.
- Patients with somatic symptom disorders score lower on heartbeat detection tasks than healthy controls, suggesting that interoceptive accuracy is poor in psychosomatic disorders.
- Alexander Mitscherlich founded the clinic for psychosomatic medicine at Heidelberg University in 1949.
- In 2008, Rivera received the annual American Psychosomatic Society award for his work in research and education in psychosomatic pathologies.
- "It's All in Your Head" is a nonfiction book by neurologist Suzanne O'Sullivan, in which she shares her past experiences in diagnosing patients with psychosomatic disorders.
- The model offers an understanding of psychosomatic symptoms within a family.
- He became interested in psychosomatic medicine, psychiatry and psychoanalysis, and in the late 1940s, worked at New York Hospital exploring psychosomatic illness and the effects of stress, and in particular why one person's response to stress might be asthma and another's high blood pressure.
- "Psychosomatics" is a peer-reviewed medical journal that focuses on psychosomatic medicine.
- Guirdham's unorthodox ideas about psychosomatic medicine were criticized by the medical community.
- "Psychosomatic Medicine" is a peer-reviewed medical journal published nine times per year by the American Psychosomatic Society.
- Cannon's theory concerning voodoo death opened research into various fields of psychological studies; since the publication of Cannon's work, scientists have discovered many disorders and the like related to psychosomatic responses to situations.
- The "Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology" is a quarterly peer-reviewed medical journal covering research in obstetrics, gynecology, and psychosomatics that was established in 1982.
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