NOUN | psychosurgery | psychosurgeries | |
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Usage Examples English
- A leucotome or McKenzie Leucotome is a surgical instrument used for performing leucotomies (also known as lobotomy) and other forms of psychosurgery.
- Cingulotomy, the surgical severing of the anterior cingulum, is a form of psychosurgery used to treat depression and OCD.
- Psychiatric somatotherapy (or somatic therapy) is the treatment of mental illness by physical means (such as medication, electroconvulsive therapy, or psychosurgery) rather than psychotherapy.
- Initial applications were for psychosurgery.
- Psychosurgery, also called neurosurgery for mental disorder (NMD), is the neurosurgical treatment of mental disorder.
- Deep brain stimulation is now being used as an alternative to ablative psychosurgery. There is debate about whether or not, for legislative purposes, it should be considered as psychosurgery.
- He was instrumental in the decision by the Swiss psychiatrist and pioneer of psychosurgery, Gottlieb Burckhardt, to enter the medical field of nervous diseases.
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