Translation for '
quaestor' from English to Russian
NOUN | quaestor | quaestors | |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Usage Examples English
- In 532, Tribonian was removed as quaestor due to the charges made by his enemies during the Nika riots, but he continued to work on the codification.
- First, he was quaestor the same year his brother Publius was quaestor for the province of Cyrenaica.
- In January 2017, Maňka was elected as quaestor of the European Parliament for two and a half years.
- Following the 2019 elections, Beňová became a quaestor of the European Parliament.
- On 18 January 2022, he was elected second European Parliament quaestor after receiving 576 out of 676 votes in the first round.
- From 2019 until 2022, Boyer was a quaestor of the European Parliament for two and a half years. His role as quaestor made him part of the Parliament's leadership under President David Sassoli.
- Following the 2019 elections, Sander became the First quaestor of the European Parliament.
- At some point in his career, Lollianus Plautius was appointed a "Triumvir monetalis auro argento aere flando feriundo". (Prior to him becoming quaestor).
- On the other hand, Anastasius still held the position of quaestor into the 570s.
- In 74 BC, the new province was established, governed by a legate of praetorian rank ("Legatus pro praetor") and accompanied by a quaestor ("quaestor pro praetor"), but in 20 BC Cyrenaica was united to the island of Crete in the new province of Creta et Cyrenaica, because of the common Greek heritage.
- He is defined as "quaestor" (perhaps "quaestor sacri palatii") in the inscription on his seat at the Colosseum.
- If Lucullus was Quaestor pro Praetore ("Quaestor acting as commander") in 86, and Quaestor is to refer only to his rank, then he cannot also have been Proquaestor (ex Quaestor) in 86.
- Following the 2014 European elections, Morin was elected as quaestor of the European Parliament for two and a half years.
- Following the 2014 European elections, Bearder was elected as Quaestor of the European Parliament and served from 2014 to 2019.
- Junillus Africanus ("floruit" 541–549) was Quaestor of the Sacred Palace ("quaestor sacri palatii") in the court of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I.
- After completion of a term in the vigintivirate, Vespasian was entitled to stand for election as quaestor; a senatorial office.
- His earliest recorded office was the first of the traditional republican magistracies, quaestor, which enabled him to be enrolled as a member of the Senate; in his case, he was assigned as quaestor to the province of Asia.
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