Translation for '
quake' from English to Russian
NOUN | a quake | quakes | |
VERB | to quake | quaked | quaked quaking | quakes | |
SYNO | earthquake | quake | seism | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
1 translation
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Usage Examples English
- On 13 June 2011 at approximately 1:00 pm New Zealand time, Christchurch was again rocked by a magnitude 5.7 quake, followed by a magnitude 6.3 quake (initially thought to be 6.0) at 2:20 pm, centred in a similar location as the February quake with a depth of 6.0 kilometres.
- A cryoseism, ice quake or frost quake, therefore, accurate predictions are not entirely possible and may constitute a factor in structural design and engineering when constructing in an area historically known for such events.
- The area is subject to earthquakes, with an intensity VI quake occurring in 1568, and numerous quakes being recorded from 1638 onwards.
- There were two major earthquakes in 2003 in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. The first quake in May injured 174 and caused $97.3 million in damages. Another quake in July injured 677.
- The quake was felt throughout Austria. In Austria, the quake was felt with a maximum intensity of IV ("Largely observed") to V ("Strong") on the European macroseismic scale.
- Damage to chimneys and brick walls from the initial quake was "considerable". Over US$100,000 in damages were caused (over US$1.44 million in 2020) by the primary quake.
- The quake has not only destroyed homes but livelihoods.
- Déjà currently hosts the "Quake’s House Afternoon Show" at WBLS, which was purchased by Emmis Communications in February 2014.
- Almost a century later, in 2017, an AI program mistakenly sent out alerts about the historic quake due to an engineer updating the quake's epicenter in the program's records.
- Kuwait was also the first country to send aid to isolated mountain villages in Kashmir after the quake of 2005, also offering the largest amount of aid in the aftermath of the quake ($100m).
- Incidentally, a [...] 3.0 earthquake very close to the main quake's epicenter preceded the main quake by 2 hours 15 minutes. early casualties and property damage were significant.
- The largest recorded starquake was detected on December 27, 2004 from the ultracompact stellar corpse SGR 1806-20.
- 3 magnitude earthquake caused far more damage in Christchurch, including 181 deaths.
- 6 earthquake on the New Madrid Seismic Zone with an epicenter at Charleston, Missouri, cracked a pier on the bridge.
- Such large earthquakes can have effects far away other than tsunamis.
- In Lineville, Iowa, about [...] south of Des Moines on the Missouri border, the quake was felt as a long shaking. The quake damaged the town's water tower, which began to leak [...] of water an hour.
- The earthquake occurred at 11:37 p.m. (MST) with a magnitude of 7.2 [...].
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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