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Usage Examples English
- The distinguishing political movement of Austin politics has been that of the environmental movement, which spawned the parallel neighborhood movement, then the more recent conservationist movement (as typified by the Hill Country Conservancy), and eventually the current ongoing debate about "sense of place" and preserving the Austin quality of life.
- Today with appropriate treatment, males with haemophilia typically have a near normal quality of life with an average lifespan approximately 10 years shorter than an unaffected male.
- Development geography is the study of the Earth's geography with reference to the standard of living and the quality of life of its human inhabitants, study of the location, distribution and spatial organization of economic activities, across the Earth.
- These changes, in addition to the primary symptoms, can have a huge impact on quality of life.
- Alfred had a reputation as a learned and merciful man of a gracious and level-headed nature who encouraged education, proposing that primary education be conducted in English, rather than Latin, and improving the legal system and military structure and his people's quality of life.
- The presence of comorbid depression or anxiety in patients with epilepsy is associated with a poorer quality of life, increased mortality, increased healthcare utilization and a worse response to treatment (including surgical).
- The conceptual framework of the IPBES includes six primary interlinked elements: nature, nature’s benefits to people, anthropogenic assets, institutions and governance systems and other indirect drivers of change, direct drivers of change, and good quality of life.
- The city has given a few surveys for citizens to rate the quality of life and city services.
- In 2006, "The Princeton Review" ranked Dartmouth third in its "Quality of Life" category, and sixth for having the "Happiest Students".
- Anxiety, cognition and other neuropsychiatric symptoms were not significantly improved following CBT, however this review did find moderate evidence of improved quality of life and daily living activity scores in those with dementia and MCI.
- scheme in which it has the goal of increasing the life expectancy of citizens, improving quality of life through better standards of health, and encouraging more productive lives and equal opportunities.
- Health behaviors impact upon individuals' quality of life, by delaying the onset of chronic disease and extending active lifespan.
- A special diet can improve the quality of life for afflicted dogs.
- Chapters 7–8 address the quality of life God wants his renewed people to enjoy, containing many encouraging promises to them.
- Outcomes-based research on quality of life improvements and psychosocial benefits associated with breast reconstruction served as the stimulus in the United States for the 1998 Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act, which mandated that health care payer cover breast and nipple reconstruction, contralateral procedures to achieve symmetry, and treatment for the sequelae of mastectomy.
- Altruism is the principle and moral practice of concern for the welfare and/or happiness of other human beings or animals, resulting in a quality of life both material and spiritual.
- The islanders had full British citizenship restored in 1983; their quality of life improved through investments made by the UK after the war and by economic liberalisation that had been stalled for fear of angering Argentina.
- Although not fully accomplished, the "Brasilia utopia" has produced a city of relatively high quality of life, in which the citizens live in forested areas with sporting and leisure structure (the " [...] ") surrounded by small commercial areas, bookstores and cafés; the city is famous for its cuisine and efficiency of transit.
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