 Translation for 'quantities' from English to Russian
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NOUN   a quantity | quantities
множество {с}quantities {pl}
количество {с}quantities {pl}
огромное количество {с}quantities {pl}
3 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • For gauge-invariant (physically measurable quantities) quantities, all of the Hamiltonians should give the same time evolution, since they are all weakly equivalent.
  • The base quantities of a given system of physical quantities is a subset of those quantities, where no base quantity can be expressed in terms of the others, but where every quantity in the system can be expressed in terms of the base quantities.
  • using the SI convention, both quantities being dimensionless.
  • The operational quantities are used in practical applications for monitoring and investigating external exposure situations.
  • Oscilloscopes display the instantaneous waveform of varying electrical quantities, unlike other instruments which give numerical values of relatively stable quantities.

  • Quantities may be grouped together into categories of quantities which are mutually comparable.
  • Note that the only difference in the formulas is that the former uses period n quantities, whereas the latter uses base period (period 0) quantities.
  • The first table lists the base quantities used in the International System of Units to define the physical dimension of physical quantities for dimensional analysis.
  • Time is one of the seven fundamental physical quantities in both the International System of Units (SI) and International System of Quantities.
  • Space is one of the few fundamental quantities in physics, meaning that it cannot be defined via other quantities because nothing more fundamental is known at the present.

  • Power and field quantities are part of a larger class, logarithmic ratio quantities.
  • Derived quantities are those whose definitions are based on other physical quantities (base quantities).
  • Vector quantities appear in bold. The standard convention of taking the real part of complex quantities to represent physical quantities is used.
  • Many RTU inputs buffer larger quantities via transducers to convert and isolate real-world quantities from sensitive RTU input levels.
  • Below you can find a list with physical sound field quantities and the related psychoacoustical quantities of corresponding auditory events.

  • Physical quantities and units follow the same hierarchy; "chosen base quantities" have "defined base units", from these any other "quantities may be derived" and have corresponding "derived units".
  • This includes basic quantities found in classical- and continuum mechanics; but strives to exclude temperature-related questions or quantities.
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