Translation for '
quantity' from English to Russian
NOUN1 | a quantity | quantities | |
NOUN2 | quantity | - | |
SYNO | amount | measure | quantity |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Usage Examples English
- The modern quantity theory states that the price level is directly affected by the quantity of money.
- Given monopolistic companies act as price makers, and control the quantity supplied, they will produce at a quantity that allows them to maximise their profit.
- Forecasted quantity is provided by the buyer as full usage quantity recorded historically a few years or as needed for quantitative analysis.
- The term "root-power quantity" is introduced by ISO Standard 80000-1:2009 as a substitute of "field quantity".
- The quantity demanded varies negatively with the price: a higher price decreases the quantity demanded.
- A local conservation law is usually expressed mathematically as a continuity equation, a partial differential equation which gives a relation between the amount of the quantity and the "transport" of that quantity.
- For a preference relation to be monotone increasing the quantity of both goods should make the consumer strictly better off (increase their utility), and increasing the quantity of one good holding the other quantity constant should not make the consumer worse off (same utility).
- Numerical value equations are in contrast to quantity equations. Quantity equations hold independently of the unit used to express the value of the quantity.
- Somewhere between the large and small batch quantity is the optimal batch quantity, i.e. the quantity in which the cost per product unit is the lowest.
- In economics, quantity adjustment is the process by which a market surplus leads to a cut-back in the quantity supplied or a market shortage causes an increase in supplied quantity.
- The Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (NIQS) is the professional umbrella body for quantity surveyors in Nigeria.
- A calculation of quantity of heat transferred can rely on a hypothetical quantity of energy transferred as adiabatic work and on the first law of thermodynamics.
- A dimensionless quantity (also known as a bare quantity, pure quantity, or scalar quantity [...] as well as quantity of dimension one) is a quantity to which no physical dimension is assigned, with a corresponding SI unit of measurement of one (or 1), For example, optical extent is defined as having units of metres multiplied by steradians.
- A "quantity of dimension one" is historically known as a "dimensionless quantity" (a term that is still commonly used); all its dimensional exponents are zero and its dimension symbol is [...].
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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