Translation for '
rapid' from English to Russian
ADJ | rapid | rapider | rapidest | |
NOUN | a rapid | rapids | |
SYNO | rapid | speedy |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
2 translations
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Usage Examples English
- The one movement consists of an introduction followed by an alternation of rapid music and slow, lyrical passages: Introduction – Rapid Music – Lyrical Section I – Rapid Music – Lyrical Section II – Rapid Music.
- In addition to standard local, rapid, and special rapid service trains, the Tōkaidō Main Line also hosts a number of limited express services.
- The Iskandar Malaysia Bus Rapid Transit (IMBRT) is a proposed bus rapid transit system to be built in and around Iskandar Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia.
- There are two rapid services. The "Sunport Nanpū Relay-Gō" rapid service connects Takamatsu and Iyo-Saijō.
- Young of "H. aspersa" readily eats milk powder. Its rapid rate of assimilation promotes rapid growth.
- It adopted the current name, ABQ RIDE, in 2004, the same year the first Rapid Ride route began operating.
- The project marked the first serious activity related to PRT construction since Morgantown Personal Rapid Transit.
- Star Rapid is a global rapid prototyping, rapid tooling and low-volume manufacturing company located in Zhongshan, Guangdong Province, China.
- A rapid Rapid Ecological Assessment completed in 2010 for the park's management plan identified 264 plant species including 24 of palm trees.
- Scott's Addition station is a Richmond, Virginia rapid station site of the GRTC Bus Rapid Transit route.
- This leg's Detour was a choice between Rapid Water or Rapid Fire.
- RTC RAPID is RTC's bus rapid transit system. RAPID consists of two routes with limited stops and higher frequencies.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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