Translation for '
razor' from English to Russian
4 translations
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Usage Examples English
- "Siliqua" is a genus of saltwater razor clams, marine bivalve molluscs in the family Pharidae, the razor clams and jackknife clams.
- Shaving can be done with a straight razor or safety razor (called 'manual shaving' or 'wet shaving') or an electric razor (called 'dry shaving') or beard trimmer.
- The Atlantic jackknife clam, "Ensis leei", also known as the bamboo clam, American jackknife clam or razor clam, is a large edible marine bivalve mollusc found on the North American Atlantic coast, from Canada to South Carolina.
- It also proposed the first safety razor. In 1762 he developed an extremely sharp razor meant to cut as much hair as would be possible.
- Historically, razor blades were often blued steel. A non-linear resistance property of the blued steel of razor blades, foreshadowing the same property later discovered in semiconductor diode junctions, along with the ready availability of blued steel razor blades, led to the use of razor blades as a detector in crystal set AM radios that were built by servicemen (as foxhole_radios) or by prisoners of war during World War II.
- Pacific razor clams are a highly desirable shellfish species and are collected by both commercial and recreational harvesters.
- Another technology, inkjet printing, which uses the razor and blades business model (give away the razor handle, make money on the razor blade) has reduced the value of the low cost for the printer: "a price per milliliter on par with liquid gold" for the ink/toner.
- In addition to the traditional modeling kits, the Kai Razor company has made a Char's custom Zaku II razor blade.
- While the razor has been in existence since before the Bronze Age (the oldest razor-like object has been dated to 18,000 BC), the most common types of razors currently used are the safety razor and the electric razor.
- Jacob Schick's first business venture, the Magazine Repeating Razor Co.
- The company's original focus was the production of razor strops, to sharpen razors used in shaving.
- Sniffles informs the razor that he (the razor) has caught his cold and promises to get a cold remedy.
- Kasai has participated five times in an extremely bloody "Razor Deathmatch"; a hardcore match where boards are fitted with many razor blades.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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