 Translation for 'requirement' from English to Russian
NOUN   a requirement | requirements
SYNO demand | essential | necessary | ...
необходимое условие {с}requirement
требование {с}requirement [condition]
необходимость {ж}requirement [necessity, need]
надобность {ж}requirement [need]
потребность {ж} [надобность]requirement [need]
5 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Each requirement paragraph consists of the requirement to be fulfilled by the product to be delivered and the verification requirement (Review of design, analysis, test, inspection).
  • BJ students with third- and fourth-year standing have an apprenticeship/internship requirement and may use the Apprenticeship Program to meet this requirement.
  • This requirement is stronger than the requirement for discounted infinite games, which is in turn stronger than the requirement for undiscounted infinite games.
  • Requirements traceability is concerned with documenting the life of a requirement.
  • In United States patent law, the utility requirement is a more or less corresponding, but different, requirement.

  • For 2182 kHz, this is still a legal requirement, according to 47 CFR 80.304 - Watch requirement during silence periods.
  • A key requirement for a trust to qualify as a UK EOT is that it meets the “equality requirement”.
  • Also in 1969, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants recommended additional education beyond the bachelor's degree as a requirement for licensure.
  • Regarding the List A or B requirement, there was no minimum voting requirement.
  • If a requirement is derived from another requirement, their relation is named "derive requirement relationship".

  • Rule 40 removes the former requirement for a plurality of five states in order to nominate a candidate for president and/or vice president and replaces that requirement with the requirement of a majority of eight states.
  • Calculation of gas requirement for a dive can be broken up into simpler estimates for gas requirement for sectors of the dive, and then added together to indicate the requirement for the entire dive.
  • In other words, the resulting set [...] has no minimality requirement, i.e. this variant also lacks the uniqueness requirement on [...].
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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