 Translation for 'research' from English to Russian
NOUN1   a research [a particular instance or piece of research] | researches
NOUN2   research | -
VERB   to research | researched | researched
researching | researches
SYNO enquiry | inquiry | research | ...
исследовать [сов./несов.] [подвергать научному изучению]to research
исследование {с} [научное изучение]research
тщательные поиски {мн}research {sg}
анализ {м} рынкаmarket research
4 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • To address this split, there is a growing body of practice research, such as the practice-based research network (PBRN) within clinical medical research.
  • Practice research aka practice as research, practice based research or/and practitioner researcher is a form of academic research which incorporates practice in the methodology or research output.
  • A research institute, research centre, research center or research organization, is an establishment founded for doing research.
  • Other research institutes affiliated with the Austin Health include the National Stroke Research Institute (NSRI), neurosciences research with the Brain Research Institute (BRI), epilepsy research with the Epilepsy Research Institute (ERI), Australian Centre for Post-traumatic Mental Health, and the Biological Research Laboratory (BRL) which is a commercial supplier of animals for research establishments.
  • Research hubs with a significant volume of third-party founded collaborative projects are hepatology (CRC 974 and Research Unit 217), cardiovascular research, neurosciences, surgery (Research Unit 1585), infectiology and immunology (Research Unit 729), and diabetes and metabolism research.

  • Microbial functional research, new process fermentation research, cultural convergence research, industrial technology development, hygiene safety, and analysis research.
  • NSBM Green University conducts international and local university collaborative research projects, international research conferences, industry lead collaborative research, and research specialized workshops and training under the NSBM Research Council.
  • The trust also has a number of research partners who they work with on research trials.
  • Political consultants advise campaigns on virtually all of their activities, from research to field strategy.
  • The research carried out ranges from fundamental research to applied research and, thanks to the Orpheus research reactor, lasers and magnetic resonance research into the State of Matter.

  • Moyle and Mitchell also cofounded charitable research company known as Glynn Research Ltd., a research institute that promoted biological research from 1964 to 1987.
  • The manual gives definitions for: basic research, applied research, Research and development; research personnel: researchers, technicians, auxiliary personnel.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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