 Translation for 'revolver' from English to Russian
NOUN   a revolver | revolvers
SYNO revolver | revolving door | six-gun | ...
револьвер {м}
revolver [gun]
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Translation for 'revolver' from English to Russian

revolver [gun]
револьвер {м}военно
Usage Examples English
  • The revolver range has a firing line of approximately 250 positions.
  • Colt's U.S. revolver patent gave him a monopoly of revolver manufacture until 1857.
  • Jean Alexandre Francois LeMat (1821–1895) is best known for the percussion cap revolver that bears his name (see LeMat revolver).
  • Lefaucheux-Francotte M. 71 or Revolver m/1871 was a 19th-century Belgian revolver made for Swedish military. It was also the first service revolver of the Principality of Serbia.
  • The IOF .22 revolver is a .22 caliber revolver made by the Indian Ordnance Factory in 2002. The revolver's cylinder can hold 8 cartridges and has a single-action and double-action trigger.

  • The Bossu Revolver was a Velo-dog revolver of Belgian origin.
  • The Union automatic revolver (also known as the Lefever revolver) was a .32 caliber revolver.
  • Korth Combat is a German high-end revolver produced by Korth GmbH chambered in .357 Magnum. Each revolver is custom made and costs over €3,000.
  • The Model 1892 revolver (also known as the "Lebel revolver" and the "St. ...
  • The Model 1872 revolver ("Ordonnanzrevolver 1872" or "revolver d'ordonnance modèle 1872") was the service sidearm of the Swiss Army.

  • In 1858 the Lefaucheux pistolet-revolver became the first metallic-cartridge revolver to be adopted by a national government, becoming the standard sidearm of the French Navy.
  • Model 27 (XXVII): .32 S&W Long revolver calibre double action steel-framed revolver.
  • The Smith & Wesson Model 60 revolver is a 5-shot revolver that is chambered in either .38 Special or .357 Magnum calibers. It was the first revolver produced from stainless steel.
  • In 1856, Smith & Wesson began to produce a small revolver designed to fire the rimfire cartridge they had patented in August 1854.
  • The revolver is a 'Break Action' self-extracting revolver and uses the .32 Smith & Wesson Long (7.65mm x 23mm) cartridge.

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    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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