Translation for '
revolving' from English to Russian
VERB | to revolve | revolved | revolved revolving | revolves | |
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
2 translations
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Usage Examples English
- The following is a list of revolving restaurants. A revolving restaurant is usually a tower restaurant designed to rest atop a broad circular revolving platform that operates as a large turntable.
- A revolving restaurant located on the 62nd floor, called "Revolving 66", overlooks other tall buildings below and the harbour.
- A revolving restaurant or rotating restaurant is usually a tower restaurant eating space designed to rest atop a broad circular revolving platform that operates as a large turntable.
- The hotel is anticipated to feature a revolving bar modeled after the revolving bar at the Chez Ami.
- A good number of lobbyists representing the Roundtable have been involved in the revolving door between industry and government.
- The revolving door contains 3 leaves and moves in a clockwise direction, which represents good luck in and bad luck out.
- The three main sources of funding for State government operations are state appropriations, federal funds, and revolving funds.
- The shining, subpellucid, white shell shows four revolving series of brownish yellow dots between the ribs on the body whorl, and two on those of the spire.
- The shell shows four or five revolving ridges on the body whorl, with intermediate close revolving striae.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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